Purpose – To investigate what the potential effect would be of changing the way of
working from the traditional way of working to the agile way of working. The study will also investigate success factors with the working methods and how the agile working method should be implemented. To achieve the purpose, two research questions have been formulated:
1. What success factors does a traditional way of working have compared to an agile way of working?
2. How should an agile working method be implemented?
Method – To be able to answer the study's research questions, a case study was performed and consists of a qualitative data collection. In the study, various data collection techniques were used to collect data. Interviews, document study and observations were used. Interviews were conducted with several respondents at the company, the collected empirical data was further compared with the existing theory. A mapping of the project management was carried out based on observations and the collected empirical data from the interviews. Furthermore, a document study was performed to increase the understanding of the business.
Findings – The study points out that the case company is not in need of a complete restructuring but would be positively influenced by implementing parts of the agile way of working. By eliminating processes that do not add value, it would increase efficiency. Factors such as the type of project and who will be involved are the basis for choosing a working method. Choosing a working method does not have to mean that parts from other working methods may not be used. Instead, a hybrid solution of the working methods is most beneficial for some businesses to achieve optimal efficiency.
Implications – The results of the study increase an understanding of Lean and aim to provide knowledge about being applied to project management and the different working methods. Using Lean, companies can reduce waste and find more efficient planning. The study can be used for improvement work in project management, there is an obviousness in which working method and project model that is used. The result further contributes with which factors that are important to consider when changing working method within project management. In the study, various factors have been identified in the various activities using Lean.
Limitations – The study is based about a case company, which affects the generalizability of the study, as project management varies between different businesses. Considering the limited resources and the size of the study, it also gives a limited result. If the study had been larger and included more resources, a more extensive data collection would have been possible and should have improved the study's results.
Keywords – Agile way of working, Implementation, Lean, Project management, Project model and Traditional way of working.