Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate SIS versus traditional TF-sockets. We are looking at the hip torque and hip angle in the frontal plane of two transfemoral amputees during the stance phase. Both of these are measured when wearing a sub-ischial containment socket (SIS) and when wearing their own sockets, i.e. a ischial containment socket (ICS) and quadrilateral socket (QUAD), respectively. Two separate comparisons are made, one for each participant.
Method: The study is classified as a case study. The participants are two transfemorally amputated men. The participants wear a SIS, made by the authors, and their own socket: an ICS and a QUAD. Data is collected with the use of gait analysis and analysed with descriptive statistics.
Results: The results show a difference between the SIS, and ICS/QUAD where the lowest hip torque is found when wearing a SIS for both participants. One participant has the lowest hip angle, and thus adduction, when wearing the SIS, and the other has the lowest angle when wearing his own socket, a QUAD.
Conclusion: There is a difference in hip moment and angle in the frontal plane between a SIS and ICS/QUAD