This essay review the ways Swedish in upper secondary school carry out the tasks in the curriculum. The students ought to read other texts than fictional and the content are to be in relation to the students own interests and experiences. The texts should be a source of self-perception and challenge the students to think in new ways. That is why it became important to investigate if/how different texts affect young peoples searching for themselves within Swedish. At the same time research show that school is not taking care of the students prior encounters with media. The aim with this review is to examine nine students encounters with media and the ways they want the school to recognize these:
In what ways do youth use media to express and explore their identity? What is the students opinion about the interest the Swedish take in their experiences in media?
The issue of the survey shows that Swedish unfrequently use texts from different platforms of media. The students in the survey however have great knowledge about and experience from other texts than fictional - on-line games, blogs and other social media – acquired in their leisure time. In these rooms they explore their identity. The issue shows that school unfrequently let the students use their interests in instructions.