The aim of the study is to examine how preschool teachers and preschool principals describe their understanding of preschool's education based on children in need of special support. The following research questions are in focus: How do preschool teachers and preschool principals describe children who they consider to be children in need of special support? What organizational conditions in education for children in need of special supports do the preschool teachers and preschool principals describe? What pedagogical strategies in education for children in need of special supports do the preschool teachers and preschool principals describe?
The study applies a hermeneutics framework and a system theoretical perspective. Bronfenbrenner's ecological model (Bronfenbrenner, 1979, 1994) and the further developed bioecological model (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006), with its associated PPCT-components (process, person, context, time), are used. Semi-structured interviews have been used as a method. Fifteen interviews have been conducted, eight with preschool principals and seven with preschool teachers.
The result shows that the respondents do consider themselves working with children in need of special support, but they explain that it is difficult to identify which children this applies to. They argue that all children can at some point, temporarily or permanently, need special support and the children do not necessarily need a diagnosis in order be in special needs. The result also shows that the preschool principals and the preschool teachers describe several organizational conditions that can be useful in their work with children in need special support. The leadership of the preschool principal and how the support to children in special need is organized are examples of organizational conditions. Other thing they discuss are the preschool staff´s education and competence. Pedagogical strategies are, for example, how preschool teachers describe their job near the children to monitor what happens in the child group and to be able to support the children.
The results suggest that there are shortcomings regarding equity, based on the descriptions given by preschools teachers and principals. There are shortcomings in equity regarding educational issues and how the preschools organize and carry out the work with children in need of special support in preschool.