One way to specialize a general purpose multi-core chip built using
NoC principles is to provide a mechanism to configure an application
specific deadlock free routing algorithm in the underlying
communication network. A table in every router, implemented using a
writable memory, can provide a possibility of specializing the routing
algorithm according to the application requirements. In such an
implementation the cost (area) of the router will be proportional to
the size of the routing table. In this paper, we propose a method to
compress the routing table to reduce its size such that the resulting
routing algorithm remains deadlock free as well as has high
adaptivity. We demonstrate through simulation based evaluation that
our application specific routing algorithm gives much higher
performance, in terms of latency and throughput, as compared to
general purpose algorithms for deadlock free routing. We also show
that a table size of two entries for each output port gives
performance within 3\% of the uncompressed table.