På senare år har ett antal program som t.ex. Community Parent Education Program (COPE) initierats för att främja barns hälsa och psykosociala utveckling. COPE är ett manualbaserat program som ofta används som del i de föräldrautbildningar som ges i invandrartäta områden. COPE utvecklades i Kanada och vid användningen i Sverige översätts materialet. Program erbjuds på språk som t.ex. arabiska och somaliska och när dessa kurser ges översätts materialet ytterligare. I artikeln undersöks vad som händer när ett manualbaserat program översätts och implementeras i svensk kontext. Studien visar att de samtalsledare som leder programmen strävar efter manualtrogenhet, men att översättningar och kulturella anpassningar sker för att de utrikesfödda deltagarna ska förstå programmet. Många föräldrar är dock nöjda med och känner sig stärkta i sitt föräldraskap efter att ha genomgått COPE programmen.
This Swedish study investigates how primary school children’s perspectives on a “good schoolyard” can be illuminated through envisioning workshops using model-making. In addition to advocating for the qualities and affordances of the standard schoolyard equipment, children also suggested and constructed new features affording playing with domestic animals, being in peace and quiet in tree houses, picking fruit, and using digital playgrounds.For the children to go beyond reproducing the features, environmental qualities, and affordances of their current schoolyards, they needed plenty of time for communication and hands-on activities, opportunities to relax, imagine, and receive input and inspiration from others’ experiences.
This study was carried out within a project to promote health and ecosystem services, ?the benefits people obtain from ecosystems?, in preschools in Sweden. The paper applies the concept ?affordance? to capture the functional meaning that children assign to different material aspects of their schoolyards before and after the installation of additional environmental features. The findings from walk-and-talks with 23 preschool children highlight what features children preferred in their yards and why. Few children showed spontaneous attention to the installed features, e.g. insect hotels. This might be more because children were not enough involved within the schoolyard development and experienced little guided exploration of environmental affordances, rather than a lack of interest per se. Given this, we suggest that development projects to upgrade schoolyards for improved ecosystem services should involve children in the design of the ecosystem services promoting features throughout the development work, and thereby, integrally, promote ecological literacy.
Från inledningen: Vi har alla en berättelse, en historia över våra liv, med minnen och händelser. Det är berättelser som hänger intimt samman med andras berättelser. Vi berättar, men vi blir också berättade. Fokus för detta kapitel är en kurs vid namn Flerspråkighet och interkultulturalitet i förskolan om 7,5 högskolepoäng som ingår i Skolverkets fortbildningsinsats i det så kallade Förskolelyftet, numera benämnt som kommunförlagda förskolekurser.
Barns arbete beskrivs ofta som att de hjälper till. Många föreställer sig att barn i Sverige inte längre arbetar och att skolan ersatt arbete. Men arbete har fortfarande en plats i barns vardag och det vi betraktar som arbete beror i hög grad på hur arbete definieras. Arbete kan vara både informellt och formellt, oavlönat och avlönat, utföras i och utanför hemmet. Vilken syn har barnen själva på arbete? Hur kontrollerar och definierar myndigheter barns arbete?Barndom och arbete handlar om barns och ungas arbete under tiden 19502000. Boken synliggör den komplexitet som finns i barns relation till arbete och dess betydelse i samhället, i familjer och för barnen själva.
Barns arbete beskrivs ofta som att de hjälper till. Många föreställer sig att barn i Sverige inte längre arbetar och att skolan ersatt arbete. Men arbete har fortfarande en plats i barns vardag och det vi betraktar som arbete beror i hög grad på hur arbete definieras. Arbete kan vara både informellt och formellt, oavlönat och avlönat, utföras i och utanför hemmet. Vilken syn har barnen själva på arbete? Hur kontrollerar och definierar myndigheter barns arbete?Barndom och arbete handlar om barns och ungas arbete under tiden 19502000. Boken synliggör den komplexitet som finns i barns relation till arbete och dess betydelse i samhället, i familjer och för barnen själva
Today, cities become more dense, green spaces disappear and children spend less time outdoors. Research suggests that these conditions create health problems and lack of ecological literacy. To reverse such trends, localities are creating urban green spaces for children to visit during school time. Drawing on ideas in ecological literacy, this study investigates school children’s perspectives on a forest garden, a type of outdoor educational setting previously only scarcely researched. Data were collected through walk-and-talk conversations and informal interviews with 28 children aged 7 to 9. Many children in the study expressed strong positive feelings about the forest garden, the organized and spontaneous activities there, and caring for the organisms living there. We observed three aspects of learning in the data, potentially beneficial for the development of children’s ecological literacy: practical competence, learning how to co-exist and care, and biological knowledge and ecological understanding.
Improvement work can be used in preschools to enrich outdoor environment for children’s better health. Effective improvement work can facilitate the necessary changes, but little is known about professionals’ experiences of participation in improvement interventions. The aim was to evaluate how preschool staff experience quality improvement work, using the Breakthrough Series Collaborative improvement programme, to enhance outdoor environments.
An improvement intervention using a breakthrough collaborative was performed at 9 preschools in Sweden and examined with a longitudinal mixed method design. Staff completed questionnaires on 4 occasions (n=45 participants) and interviews took place after the intervention (n=16 participants).
The intervention was successful in the sense that the staff were content with the learning seminars, and they had triggered physical changes in the outdoor environment. They integrated the quality improvement work with their ordinary work and increasingly involved the children. The staff tested improvement tools but did not find them entirely appropriate for their work, because they preferred existing methods for reflection.
The challenges in quality improvement work seem to be similar across contexts. Using the Breakthrough Series Collaborative in a public health intervention is promising but needs to be integrated with preunderstandings, current reflections and quality tools and models.
This is an ethnographic study of children, childhood and work in Sweden. The study was conducted in two communities, one rural and one urban, and it explores how childhood is constructed in contemporary Sweden. The study uses a child perspective and focuses on the children’s definitions of work. It investigates how children understand the different activities in which they take part in everyday life and which activities they understand as work and why. Furthermore, it investigates children’s incentives for engaging in various forms of work. In total, 100 schoolchildren in grades 4-9 participated in the study. The material used was collected during 2004-2006. During the fieldwork, material was collected through group interviews, questionnaires and time diaries, through participant observation and the use of disposable cameras and children’s essays and drawings. The methods were chosen to increase the children’s possibilities to participate and influence the research process and to highlight the children’s perspective on work. The study shows that work is a multifaceted concept. The children broaden our traditional definition of work, using two concurrent definitions. One definition equates work with formal, paid, gainful employment – a job. The other definition is more inclusive, accommodating paid, unpaid, formal and informal work. Moreover, in the latter definition, children also include educational activities such as school and spare time activities that involve an element of learning. Thus, various forms of identity work are also included in the concept of work. The study illustrates children’s contribution to the social construction of childhood and underlines the role work plays in this construction.
Ingress: Överdriven alarmism eller en välgrundad, dyster prognos? Tobias Samuelsson läser Martin Gelins avskedsbrev till USA och sörjer en viktig källa till kunskap för att förstå det stora landet i väst.
Barn i Sverige deltar i många olika produktiva aktiviteter. Många vuxna och barn är dock tveksamma till om barn verkligen utför ”riktigt” arbete. Artikeln visar att arbete är ett mångtydigt begrepp ur barnens synvinkel. I artikeln visas att barn i Sverige arbetar, men barnen är osäkra på om deras aktiviteter verkligen är ”riktigt” arbete. Riktigt arbete är sådant vuxna gör på den formella arbetsmarknaden. Barn hjälper till. Barnen vidgar dock betydelsen av arbete och använder två olika definitioner av arbete. En definition jämställer arbete med formellt, betalt förvärvs och yrkesarbete. Den andra är mer inkluderande. Den rymmer även obetalt och informellt arbete. Här inkluderar barnen utbildande aktiviteter som skola och fritidsaktiviteter. Arbetsbegreppet inkluderar således även former av identitetsarbete. Den dubbla innebörd barnen lägger i termen arbete understryker att arbete inte bara är en del av barndomen här och nu, utan en framåtriktad aktivitet som leder dem till det framtida vuxenlivet.
En berättelse av USApoddens Cecilia Khavar om ett polariserat land, om aborter, om Black Lives Matter, covid, konspirationer och inte minst religion.
This edited book brings together empirical studies of young people in paid employment from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and in different national settings. Each of the three sections of the book explores a key aspect of young people's employment: their experience of work, intersections between work and education, and the impact of other actors and institutions.
This paper discusses different methodological approaches in research studying the phenomenon children-s work in contemporary Sweden. In my research, using a child perspective, I study the children-s own ideas regarding their work and their ideas concerning defining what they think work is and is not out of the many activities they partake in. The number of tasks carried out by children are not concentrated to one place or setting and sometimes their activities are not regarded as work, it is something that is done in small amounts of time, on different arenas, some at home, some in settings outside the family, some are formal other informal, some is paid and other is unpaid. Different settings and arenas call for different methodological approaches. Connected to these methodological aspects is the challenging question of getting -entry- to the field and -access- to the informants. Using different combinations of methods can be a technique to overcome problems regarding -entry- and access-. The paper discusses how different methods such as interviews, questionnaires, children-s drawings and pictures plus participant observations can be used in combination trying to make research with a child perspective possible and to research something as non-static and scattered as children-s work.
Barns arbete har under hela 1900-talet varit en viktig politisk fråga. Men när den diskuteras idag handlar det framför allt om barns arbete i tredje världen. Med utökad skolgång tycks frågor om barn och arbete tappat sin politiska betydelse i västvärlden.
Men vad som uppfattas som arbete hör samman med hur arbete definieras. Med en bred definition framträder en bild som visar att barns arbete har betydelse både på individnivå, för familjer och i samhällsekonomin. Arbete är också idag en viktig del av barns liv och många barn vill arbeta.
Boken handlar om barns arbete i Sverige, England och Nordirland med fokus på vår egen tid.Boken är skriven på engelska.
Law in great parts of the world ban child labour. In Sweden of today, a general idea of childhood seems to be that childhood is and should be a phase of life free from work. Labour laws regulate children-s access to the labour market and compulsory school attendance places children in demarcated school areas. From a societal point of view, children are -out of place- when it comes to work. However, investigations and research show that children often work in their spare time outside of school. Children deliver papers, hand out advertisement leaflets, and go around from door to door selling various things etc. It has been shown that children-s work in Sweden creates considerable profit to the companies that employ children. Despite this, children are seldom categorised as workers and their activities seldom as work. This paper is based on an ongoing ethnographic study of children and work in two Swedish communities and provides an analysis of children-s experiences of work. In this paper, I use the children-s perspectives and argue that working children are not out of place. Rather participation in work is a common and natural part of childhood.
In Sweden of today a general idea of childhood seem to be that childhood is and should be a phase of life free from work. Labour laws regulate children-s access to the labour market and compulsory school attendance places children in demarcated school areas. However, investigations and research from different parts of the world show that children often work in their spare time outside school. Given this, it is not presumptuous to assume that children do participate in work life and on the labour market. But what is the nature and extent of the work the children take part in and how can it be studied? In my ethnographic research I have found that children-s work in Sweden of today often takes place at home, a few short moments every day or during short periods every week at different locations in the communities where the children live, and not in one particular relatively demarcated workplace. This seems to have created a paradoxical situation in which children-s work has been hidden and in which children-s activities seldom are noticed, registered or considered and defined as actual forms of work.
The transition to parenthood often creates a great amount of stress among new parents. This stress can have negative effects on both the parents' and their child's wellbeing. A vigorous social network can be important in trying to handle problems by providing information as well as emotional and instrumental support. Given the societal changes that have taken place, it is questionable whether all parents today have this kind of social network. However, many parents of young children in Sweden are involved in various baby activities and the study examines whether and how parents feel these baby activities offer them support. The majority of parents interviewed for the present study take part in many recurrent baby activities. Baby activities offer parents an opportunity to break the isolation they feel they fall into when they are home with children and give them a chance to meet new people. The activities allow them to exchange information and to normalize their feelings about parenting. Baby activities also help parents activate their children during part of the day. Not all parents feel that baby activities offer them support. Still, on the whole these activities are important to parents with young children and provide them valuable support in their parenting.
I det ”mångkulturella” Sverige ses förorten som intergrationspolitikens misslyckande. I Förorten i huvudet visar Nils Hammarén hur förtortskillar använder sig av stereotypa föreställningar om dem själva för att utmana stereotypen. Boken är en kritik mot förenklade världsbilder, enligt recensenten
Swift transport used to be the predominant way ambulance services provided care. During the past few decades, advanced information and communication technologies have increased the amount of patient information that ambulance crews can transmit to hospitals. The ambulance service has thus, in principle, been transformed from a swift transport unit into a complex information-gathering unit. The new telemedicine technologies available to crews are linked to demands concerning organizational changes and alterations in work procedures that challenge traditional ways of providing “good” ambulance care. In this article, we draw on both ethnographic observations and concepts from the field of science and technology studies to demonstrate how established work practices and complex local situations format the ambulance crews’ use of information-gathering technologies. We highlight how ambulance crews employ strategies of localization, including taming and deliberate nonuse of telemedicine technologies, to align these technologies with their established stance about how everyday ambulance care is best implemented.
Barns arbete beskrivs ofta som att de ”hjälper till”. Många föreställer sig att barn i Sverige inte längre arbetar och att skolan ersatt arbete. Men arbete har fortfarande en plats i barns vardag och det vi betraktar som arbete beror i hög grad på hur arbete definieras. Arbete kan vara både informellt och formellt, oavlönat och avlönat, utföras i och utanför hemmet. Vilken syn har barnen själva på arbete? Hur kontrollerar och definierar myndigheter barns arbete?
Boken handlar om barns och ungas arbete under tiden 1950-2000. Författarna är knutna till Institutet för Framtidsstudier och Tema Barn, Linköpings universitet.