Rationale for seminar and how it relates to the conference theme:
New and good technological solutions are needed to enable older persons to age in place, i.e., to remain living in their own housing, with safety and security as long as possible (Swedish Institute of Assistive Technology, 2011). Importantly, ageing in place is the general policy in Sweden these days (National Board of Health and Welfare, 2011) and the municipalities are responsible for supporting older persons in their own housing. On the other hand a great deal of support to older persons is informal and provided by family caregivers, i.e., partners or relatives providing basic care (Johansson, Long & Parker, 2012). Moreover, technologies supporting ageing in place are likely to influence health in a positive way from both the older persons’ and their family caregiver’s perspective.
“Landräddningen” provides a GPS-based extended safety and support system (ESS) available through a mobile phone application or a special unit that the user wears around the wrist. Both these (app and special unit) works outside the home, while the traditional PERS (personal emergency response system) provided by the municipalities works merely inside the users’ home. Importantly, it is a vital, societal goal that everyone, regardless of age, functional ability and circumstance in life feel secure also when participating in activities outside the home and being mobile in the community. Consequently, “Landräddningen” is an innovative, technological solution that supports ageing in place, by also filling a gap in social services. The user of “Landräddningen” could let family caregivers follow their position when they feel unsafe. It is also possible to establish a safe perimeter (geo fencing) for people with impaired orientation or memory. “Landräddningen” also provide a monitoring station that in case of an unplanned incident could search for available, listed volunteers that could support users on spot or in case of emergency alert ambulance or police. Given the GPS function and net of volunteers “Landräddningen” has a geographical and sectorial cross border functionality.
The long term goal of “Landräddningen” is that nobody shall disappear, and that all of us shall have a good chance to receive quick support. In previous research including persons with dementia (pwd) using the same ESS that “Landräddningen” builds one, carers noted that pwd were more independent when engaged in activities dependent on community mobility. Staff considered that nearly half of pwd could remain living at home due to the ESS, compared with a third amongst carers.
The session will introduce and describe the services provided by “Landräddningen”. It will also give insight to previous research on the ESS used by “Landräddningen” focusing on users and care givers. Finally, current research on “Landräddningen” including preliminary results will be presented both from users’, care givers, ethical and organizational perspectives. The intent is also to give insight about the effects and benefits of a service like “Landräddningen”, but also challenges when introducing and implementing a service with cross border functionality and how these challenges could be successfully handled.
Outline plan for the session plus timings (not included in word count):
- Brief introduction to “Landräddningen”
- Previous research on “Landräddningen”
- Current research on “Landräddningen”
- Implications for service like “Landräddningen” including experiences from introducing and implementing and how implementation challenges could be successfully handled.
List of key references/resources (not included in word count):
Johansson, L., Long, H. & Parker M.G. (2012) Informal caregiving for Elders in Sweden: An Analysis of Current Policy Developments Journal of Aging and Social Policy 23, 335-353.
Magnusson, L., Samdman, L., Rosén, K.G., & Hanson, E. (2014) Extended saftey and support systems for people with dementia living at home Jounral of Assistive Technologies (; 188-206
National Board of Health and Welfare. (2011). Bostad i särskilt boende är den enskildes hem [Living in Nursing homes are the Individual’s home]. Stockholm: National Board of Health and Welfare.
Swedish Institute of Assistive Technology. (2011). Teknik för äldre [Technology for older people]. Retrieved 0830, 2013, from http://teknikforaldre.se/