The new generation of entrepreneurs is operating in contexts where technological progress requires constant attention to innovation. Often the concept of start-up is associated with the digital economy, but it has a wider application than that and including also the sectors of the green economy (Bellagamba, P. Palanga, L. Pizzichini, 2016).
The research aim is to provide a theoretical contribution to the study of start-ups, particularly to identify drivers of innovation and the elements differentiating the green econonomy that guide the creation of start-ups by young entrepreneurs, with a specific focus on the territory of the Marche Region.
A literature review and database analysis was performed to define innovative and green start-ups. These companies, born in the higher knowledge based sectors, have their own specific characteristics and problems. Therefore, it was considered appropriate to use a qualitative research, developed through three focus groups, in which were involved different individuals and economic operators, such as "innovative" start-up, "green" start-up, incubators, spin-offs, representatives of trade associations.
The purpose of this study is to identify the unique characteristics of innovative and green start-ups of the Marche Region; the main opportunities and barriers for these organizations; the difficulties in delivering services and products related to innovation; the reasons that pushed start-ups operating in the green sector and if this resulted in an advantage or a disadvantage for the development of business. Moreover, the research aims to investigate the role of territory in the growth of start-up, analyzing in particular limits and opportunities, the inclination to the internationalization and the possible measures of the institutions to support the growth of the "new" organizations.
The analysis shows that a major problem is the capacity to communicate "innovation" to the market, that is, to make understand the value proposition of the idea. This problem is most evident for intangible assets. A further obstacle to the development of start-up is the difficulty to protect know-how and, in general, the relationship capital.Territory is not a restriction, but an opportunity, because it provides innovative start-ups, particularly in the manufacturing sector, the possibility of finding a small and a medium-sized enterprises, highly flexible and specialized, for outsource processes. Furthermore, the characteristics of the territory reduce the costs of research and contact of potential clients and suppliers, thanks to the network of relationships building by traditional companies over the years.
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