Through certain exceptions in the Swedish regulation on credit agreements for consumers, a new form of instrument for credits has arisen on the national market. The instrument, which is most commonly known as easy credits and was first seen on the Swedish market for consumer credits in 2006, has developed to become part of a vast problem with excessive debt incursion. In order to counteract this development and to harmonise the internal market within the EU, directive 2008/48 EC on credit agreements for consumers was introduced in 2008. In Sweden, the implementation of the directive has led to a proposition for a new regulation on credit agreements for consumers (SFS 2009/10:242 Ny konsumentkreditlag) coming into effect on the 1 January 2011. The proposition puts up stricter rules on creditors granting consumer credits in their course of business, and revokes the former exemption on information and practices preliminary to the conclusion of the credit agreement for minor credits. The purpose of this thesis has been to make clear whether or not the Swedish proposition will counteract the problem with excessive debt incursion that exists on the Swedish market for consumer credits. In order to reach the purpose and to be able to see the differences that the proposition can be expected to bring, a comparison between the effects of current regulation and expected effects of coming regulations must be made. The gathered conclusion of the thesis, after such a comparison, is that the proposition can be expected to counteract excessive debt incursion but also that a series of following consequences must be taken into account.