The purpose of this thesis was to analyse if the six month rule in chapter 3 § 9 part 1 in IL is compatible with EU law regarding the free movement of employees and in case of discrimination whether the rule can be justified. First of all the retroactive salary for an unlimited taxpayer and during the period of income earning a limited taxpayer who later became unlimited taxpayer will be analyzed in order to determine if they are considered to be in a comparable situation. An unlimited taxpayer is subject to taxation in Sweden for all of his incomes regardless their origin. However there is an exception according to six month rule, which implies that physical persons who stay abroad due to their minimum six months employment are in Sweden free from their incomes earned abroad if they are taxed in the country of employment. Tax exemption is applicable even if the payment from an employee working abroad is made retroactively.
Article 18 EUFF states a general prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of nationality. In the area of tax legislation it happens not very often that physical persons become an object of direct discrimination. The direct discrimination as well as all form of indirect discrimination is included in prohibition of discrimination. The comparable situations where different rules are applied result in discrimination. The situations given in the thesis are considered to be comparable but the six months rule has only resulted in tax exemption in one of the situations, which implies that discrimination took place. The discrimination depended on other criteria than nationality but the result was the same as the discrimination on the grounds of nationality. Depending on some circumstances the indirect discrimination can be justifiable with help of the "rule of reason"-test. Although the six months rule is incompatible with the EU law it can be justified considering the cohesion of the tax system.
En utbyggd Europabana kommer att leda till kortare tågresetider och därmed sammanhängande förbättrad tillgänglighet inte bara för de orter och kommuner som ligger i Europabanekorridoren. Även kommuner och orter längs med eller i närheten av Södra stambanan kommer att gynnas av en höjd tillgänglighet. I denna studie ska regionförstoringseffekterna i Södra Stambaneregionen av en utbyggd Europabana jämföras med en mer begränsad uppgradering av Södra Stambanan som skisserats av företrädare för vissa kommuner längs med Södra Stambanan. Studien söker visa att även om de största effekterna av en utbyggd Europabana naturligtvis sker i närheten av banan så betyder inte detta att effekterna blir negativa på andra platser och kommuner.
This paper analyzes the effect of various innovation strategies of firms on their future performance, captured by labour productivity. Using five waves of the Community Innovation Survey in Sweden, we have traced the innovative behaviour of firms over a decade, i.e. from 2002 to 2012. We distinguish between sixteen innovation strategies, which compose of Schumpeterian four types of innovations, i.e. process, product, marketing, and organizational (simple innovation strategies) plus various combinations of these four types (complex innovation strategies). The main findings indicate that those firms that choose and afford to have a complex innovation strategy are better off in terms of their future productivity in compare with both those firms that choose not to innovative (base group) and those firms that choose simple innovation strategies. Moreover, not all types of complex innovation strategies affect the future productivity significantly; rather, there are only few of them. This necessitates a purposeful choice of innovation strategy for firms.
This paper analyzes the effect of various innovation strategies (ISs) of firms on their future performance, captured by labor productivity. Using five waves of the Community Innovation Survey in Sweden, we have traced the innovative behavior of firms over a decade, that is, from 2002 to 2012. We defined ISs to be either simple or complex (in various degrees). We call an IS a simple IS when firms engage in only one of the four types of Schumpeterian innovations, that is, product, process, marketing, or organizational, while a complex IS is when firms simultaneously engage in more than one type. The main findings indicate that those firms that choose and afford to have complex ISs are better off in terms of their future productivity in comparison with those firms that choose not to innovative (base group) and also in comparison with those firms that choose simple ISs. The results are mostly robust for those complex innovators that have a higher degree of complexity and also keep the balance between technological (product and process) and non-technological (organizational and marketing) innovations.