As the market for graphic design evolves, it becomes more and more important
for companies to be noticed and known by their trademark. Companies nowadays
have to be well aware of the way they would like to be perceived publicly and
form a profile on the market from that preference.
The brand Gille was founded in the year of 1967 and produces cookies to be sold
in stores all over the world. Gille does not yet have a graphic profile that reflects
their wish of how they would like to be visually seen on the market; instead the
brand creates new graphic material continuously, without any common guidelines.
This is the main reason why Gille’s rivals are better known on the market.
The purpose of this project was to create a proposal of a graphic profile for the
brand Gille. To examine our purpose of this project, we established the following
• What are the main values and unique qualities that the brand Gille wish to
communicate to their target audience?
• In what ways can someone communicate the main values and unique
qualities of a brand with the use of graphic design?
Our project method has been based on interviews with the marketing director of
Gille, information from professionals who work in the field of graphic design and
communication, as well as analysis and theoretical facts concerning subjects such
as colour, typography, visual communication and brand.
As a result of this project, we have created a proposal of how Gille could profile
the brand on the market. The graphic profile contains suggestions for the design
of package labels, business cards, letterheads and their webpage. Chapter 4.6
contains our suggested answers to the issues put forward. From our interview
with the marketing director of Gille, we learned that uniformity is important for a
graphic profile to be effective as a communicative tool. Based on this interview we
also got to know the main values and qualities, which the brand would like to
communicate. Then, theoretical facts and interviews that we received from
professionals in the field gave us guidelines on how to use graphic design to
communicate such values and qualities.
Our conclusion of this project is that it is necessary for brands to continuously be
aware of their position on the market. Brands also need graphic profiles which
comply and communicate the main values of the brand. Finally, we have given our
cooperating company a proposal of how they can continue their work towards
developing and maintaining their position on the market.