Background: The Swedish food industry has changed dramatically during the last decades and to become and remain as a player has become a demanding task for several of the small and medium sized enterprises (SME). The trading blocs have increased the development of their own brand (DOB) and this has given the SME new competition but also the possibility to produce these products for the trading blocs. In addition to this the trading blocs have be-come more and more centralized and to strengthen their position in nego-tiations and other aspects which are important for the trading blocs.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding of how the trad-ing blocs, with their development of their own brand, affect the Swedish small and medium sized producers in the food industry. It is also to look into what kinds of strategies that are used by the SME in order to tackle the competition from the distributors own brands.
Method: To fulfill our purpose a qualitative approach has been used for this thesis. Seven different interviews have been done, either by phone or face to face, with the three largest trading blocs and with four the SME in Sweden, three producing and one distributing company.
Conclusion: The focus on low prices and the trading blocs’ stronger, central position on the market have made the competition more intense. To be or remain as a player on the market it is important for the SME to be a supplier to the trading blocs. However, since there are many players striving to become a supplier it is a tough situation and the price becomes an important factor. The trading blocs want low prices and keep pushing the suppliers to keep them low, or even lower them. This price focus is a major issue for the SME, and the DOB have become an important mean for the trading blocs to keep prices low. Due to scenarios like this it is very important for the SME to have strategies in place and the most common and most efficient is the bypass and flanking attack strategies. These two strategies are intense and keep the SME alert when it comes to product development and new innovations.
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur lärare och elever värderar ämnet hem- och konsumentkunskap (HK) jämfört med idrott och hälsa (IDH) i grundskolan. Undersök-ningen görs ur ett genusperspektiv och resultatet kommer även att jämföras med politikers värdering av ämnet. De frågeställningar jag utgått ifrån är följande:
Hur värderarlärare och elever HK i förhållande till IDH?
Finns det några skillnader mellan kvinnliga och manliga lärares syn på HK och IDH, och vilka är dessa i sådana fall?
Finns det några skillnader mellan flickors och pojkars syn på HK och IDH, och vilka är dessa i sådana fall?
För att få fram elevers och lärares värderingar kring skolämnena har en kvantitativ under-sökningsmetod använts. Resultatet visar att HK varken har hög eller låg status bland lärare och elever då ämnet i genomsnitt placerar sig i mitten bland alla ämnen. Värt att notera är att IDH, som är den manliga motsvarigheten till det kvinnliga HK-ämnet, får hög status i skolan då det ses som ett viktigt hälsoämne. Hälsoaspekten, som har en framträdande roll även i HK-ämnet, uppmärksammas dock inte av deltagarna i studien.
The project studies environmental and social sustainability of alternative food networks (AFNs) in Jönköping County, Sweden by investigating the development of alternative food networks as part of a pre-study for Region Jönköping’s Län project Återtag av livsmedel från Naturbruksskolorna i länet till sjukhusrestaurangerna. The purpose of the study was to identify challenges and opportunities of implementing AFNs and to determine suggestions for overcoming these challenges.
The purpose was achieved by investigating Region Jönköping Län's project to implement meat and vegetables produced by Jönköping County's agricultural high schools into the kitchens of the regional hospitals to become meals for patients and visitors.
The Western diet is characterized by high meat consumption, which negatively affects the environment and human health. Transitioning toward eating more plant-based products in Western societies has been identified as a key instrument to tackle these problems. However, one potential concern is that radically reducing meat in the current diet might lead to deficiencies in nutritional intake. In this paper, we explore a scenario in which meat consumption in Sweden is reduced by 50% and replaced by domestically grown grain legumes. We quantify and discuss the implications for nutritional intake on population level, consequences for agricultural production systems and environmental performance. The reduction in meat consumption is assumed to come primarily from a decrease in imported meat. We use data representing current Swedish conditions including the Swedish dietary survey, the Swedish food composition database, Statistics Sweden and existing life cycle assessments for different food items. At population level, average daily intake of energy and most macro- and micro-nutrients would be maintained within the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations after the proposed transition (e.g., for protein, fat, zinc, vitamin B12 and total iron). The transition would also provide a considerable increase in dietary fiber and some increase in folate intake, which are currently below the recommended levels. The transition scenario would increase total area of grain legume cultivation from 2.2% (current level) to 3.2% of Swedish arable land and is considered technically feasible. The climate impact of the average Swedish diet would be reduced by 20% and the land use requirement by 23%. There would be a net surplus of approximately 21,500 ha that could be used for bioenergy production, crop production for export, nature conservation, etc. Implementation of this scenario faces challenges, such as lack of suitable varieties for varying conditions, lack of processing facilities to supply functional legume-based ingredients to food industries and low consumer awareness about the benefits of eating grain legumes. In sum, joint efforts from multiple actors are needed to stimulate a decrease in meat consumption and to increase cultivation and use of domestically grown grain legumes.
The purpose with this thesis work has been to investigate the possibilities to develop, manufacture and introduce a new universal charger. The aim has been to be able to charge as many models of as many different products as possible, including cell phones, cameras, laptops, MP3-players etc. The work would lead to a product proposal.
By an examination of existing patents and products, has the market been reviewed. The conclusion is that there already are big amount of universal chargers in the international market. Yet there are only a few products that inspire safety, have a multiple charging function and which are for stationary use. Those properties became fundamentals in the specification. With a technical analyse and a customary review were more parameters included.
The result is a stationary product that can be used to charge both a laptop and several smaller electronic products. By using a method that is called tip technology can the right charging conditions be guaranteed. With a micro processor and with tips which are specific for each product can mostly all sorts of products and models be charged.
The work has also included mechanical design, CAD and the build of a prototype.
Syftet med studien är att undersöka betydelsen av mellanmålets innehåll och hur det påverkar elevers konsumtion av mellanmål i fritidshem, samt om elever upplever att de är delaktiga i att påverka mellanmålets innehåll och miljö. Frågeställningarna i studien är;
· Hur upplever elever att innehållet av mellanmål påverkar konsumtionen av mellanmål på fritidshem?
· Hur upplever elever att miljön där mellanmålet intas påverkar konsumtionen av mellanmål på fritidshemmet?
· Hur beskriver elever deras delaktighet beträffande mellanmålets innehåll och miljö på fritidshem?
Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie som utgår från barns perspektiv. Med hjälp av semistrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer har nio elever intervjuats på tre olika fritidshem. I resultatet beskriver elever vad de äter på fritidshem såsom smörgås med diverse pålägg och mjölk eller vatten att dricka. Vidare redogör eleverna i resultatet vad de helst skulle vilja äta beroende på tycke och smak, allt från gröt till sushi. Eleverna delger även för miljön där de intar mellanmålet. Vidare i resultatet redogörs elevernas kännedom om deras möjlighet till delaktighet i var mellanmålet serveras och vad som serveras.
This master’s thesis report is a summary of the analysis performed together with ITAB Shop Concept located in Jönköping, Sweden. As a last element of the Master’s program at the School of Engineering, this 20 point level D thesis project has been the final work to bring my education to an end.
ITAB Shop Concept expressed an aspiration that the Shop Counter Program B10/B11 should undergo an analysis to point out and possibly lead to improvement.
Through interviews and data collection proposals for possible improvements has been drawn up and the analysis points out current deficiencies. By following the idea generation, proposals to solutions for every individual problem is presented. These proposals are weighted and compared to specified requirements.
The result is built up through a number of changes in the Shop Counter Program, partly by suggestions on reduction of part, but also how the Shop Counter can be re-designed.
The purposes of meat inspection have been formulated for more than 100 years as (a) protecting health of consumers, (b) maintain the reputation of the meats in home and export markets, and (c) detecting communicable diseases of animals before they have spread beyond easy control. Today, one would add to protect animal welfare, clarify that protecting consumer health includes both chemical and biological hazards, and add food fraud to the issues of reputation. To transform the scientific knowledge into modern meat safety assurance systems (MSAS), the risk managers need to understand the social capital in the meat value chain to align the behaviors of farmers, food business operators and competent authorities with technical knowledge. The meat value chain could be perceived as a commons – a material or immaterial property held jointly by the members of a community, whom may govern access to and use of the property through social structures, traditions, and/or formal rules i.e. social capital. The social capital and food safety culture amongst farmers and food business operators is a key driver for successful meat safety while information asymmetry increases risks for a tragedy of commons scenario. Ostrom's core design principles for stable commons could inform the design of MSASs. Tools for reducing the information asymmetry and building trust and social capital between all stakeholders within the meat value chain include the food safety culture, food chain information, use of health epidemiological indicators, sensors and block chains, industry/private standards, and the applying system approach from farm to fork.