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  • 1.
    Alnervik, Tilda
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer Science and Informatics.
    Ma, Gerui
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer Science and Informatics.
    Success factors in an introductory programming course in a non-CS major2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose – The contradiction of the increased demand for IT specialists and the decrease of the enrollment in programming courses at universities worldwide has been discussed over the years. To tackle the problem, researchers and teachers in computing education have investigated various success factors in introductory programming courses, mostly within the context of computer science. This paper focuses on the investigation of success factors for students that are not majoring in computer science (non-CS) in an introductory programming course, to report on the results of student's performance and analysis of the most relevant success factors, also provide suggestions that could be considered for the course design and teaching method.


    Method – The methods used to carry out the study are a survey with 36 participants, conducted before the start of an introductory programming course, and qualitative interviews conducted with twelve students after the end of the course. The interviews were then analysed thematically to find common patterns for five success factors between the students with different grades. The success factors that were examined are math background, previous programming experience, comfort level, motivation and attribution to success.


    Findings – Math background could not be proved as a success factor in this study due to the lack of a standardized assessment of the students’ math levels. Previous programming experience could be regarded as a success factor but not as dominant as the success factor motivation, which has shown clear patterns in the data. Comfort level could be seen as one of the success factors as well, as most of the data in this study support this conclusion. Lastly, attribution to success as a success factor could not be supported by this study; the qualitative data showed variety which makes it hard to draw a conclusion directly.


    Implications – The study suggest increasing the motivation for the non-CS students in introductory programming by combining programming with other subjects in the programme. The lecturer could customize the course for students with different interests so they could select a path and adapt the knowledge to their needs. Bridging courses and various forms of mentoring are also recommended to offer.


    Limitations – The time frame of the study limited the amount of data that could be collected. The study was conducted with students from only one university and one non-CS programme, with a small data sample for analysis, which is limiting in the way the results can be generalized.

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  • 2.
    Alvén Sjöberg, Jens
    Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication, HLK, Media and Communication Studies.
    Frictions of public sector organizations’ strategic communication: A study about the Swedish Police’s social media use for public safety2024In: Media Frictions International Symposium 2-3 May 2024: Panel 3 - Public-Private Frictions. Chair: Simon Dawes / [ed] Annette Hill, Hario Priambodho & Deniz Duru, Jönköping: Media and Communication at HLK, Jönköping University , 2024Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 3.
    Alvén Sjöberg, Jens
    Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication, HLK, Media and Communication Studies.
    Publics experience of the Swedish Police Instagram regarding a sense of safety2023Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 4.
    Belcic, Ema
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering.
    Pello-Esso, Beweli
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering.
    Utvecklingstrender inom specialeffekter2011Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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    Examensarbete - Utvecklingstrender inom specialeffekter
  • 5. Bergström, Anna
    Modernisering och uppdatering av receptsidan vegania.net2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syfte – Ta reda på hur man utformar en receptsida i avseende på design och anpassning för mobila enheter samt hur mycket detta påverkar den dagliga datatrafiken på webbplatsen.

    Metod – Litteratursökning, kvantitativ webbenkät, webbaserad intervju samt mätning och jämförelse av datatrafik på webbplatsen.

    Resultat – Navigation (struktur) på en webbplats är enligt många den viktigaste delen av webbplatsens innehåll. Navigationen ska även följa med i en mobilanpassning – för att användaren ska kunna känna igen sig på webbplatsen ska både strukturen och designen vara konsekvent.

    Smartphones är framtidens datorer, vi blir bara fler och fler som surfar via mobila enheter. Ska en webbplats hållas modern och kunna konkurrera med liknande sidor så måste den vara mobilanpassad. På så sätt tappar inte webbplatsen några besökare, och användarna stannar längre på webbplatsen eftersom de även kan navigera från sin smartphone (eller surfplatta).

    Begränsningar – Studien går endast på ytan av några av problemen som beskrivs i rapporten, eftersom en fysisk webbplats gjordes utöver studien.

    Empirin består mestadels av litteratursökning och en kvantitativ enkät. Den kvalitativa aspekten av en utav metodvalen försvann under arbetets gång och blev mest en blandning mellan kvantitativ/kvalitativ. Därför förlitade jag mig mest på min webbenkät när jag besvarade min första frågeställning.

    Nyckelord – användbarhet, navigation, datatrafik, responsiv webbdesign

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  • 6.
    Bernataviciute, Viktorija
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Department of Computer Science and Informatics.
    Balogh, Ráhel Anna
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Department of Computer Science and Informatics.
    Sustainable web design in the e-commerce sector: Evaluation and proposed improvement of existing guidelines2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In recent years, the web development industry has made websites more sustainable through green hosting and sustainable approaches in both back-end and front-end levels of websites. This study evaluates and aims to improve existing guidelines for designing lower-impact websites in the e-commerce sector. First, the study investigates the Internet users’ awareness of the Internet’s carbon footprint and their impressions of existing lower-impact websites. This data is then used to construct and conduct focus groups. The Internet’s impact on the environment and existing lower-impact website solutions are further analysed and dis-cussed in the grocery e-commerce context. These findings are then used as a base to build a lower-impact grocery e-commerce website prototype and test it with users and evaluate its attractiveness based on a hedonic/pragmatic model. The study reveals that users are pretty acceptive of the front-end changes to a website to make it more sustainable and willing to change their online habits. However, as current user awareness and knowledge about the Internet’s carbon footprint is very low, any changes to the User Experience (UX) of a website to make it more sustainable need to be communicated to the user.

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    Sustainable Web Design In the E-commerce Sector Rahel Balogh Viktorija Bernataviciute
  • 7.
    Carlsson, Emil
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer Science and Informatics.
    Andersson Waara, Daniela
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer Science and Informatics.
    Varför är det en hamburgare i det högra hörnet?: En analys av CSS ramverk2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose – The purpose of this report is to find out which frameworks and methods are most popular and most widely used, as well as web developers' views on the hamburgermenu.

    Method – In order to answer the questions in our report we used the methods quantitative statistical processing, quantitative analysis of data collected via survey and qualitative interviews with web developers. The study was conducted to find out which frameworks and methods are most popular and used most, as well as how web developers look at the hamburgermenu. This was done by analyzing the popularity and usage of different frameworks as well as interviewing web developers who work with it daily.

    Findings – The results of the report are based on the data collected through the processing of the statistics, the analysis of the survey, and the interviews performed. The result shows which frameworks are most popular and those that are most used. The following list shows the ranking:

    Most popular:

    1. Bootstrap
    2. Semantic UI
    3. Materialize
    4. Material Design Lite
    5. Foundation

    Most used:

    1. Bootstrap
    2. Foundation
    3. Materialize
    4. Material Design Lite
    5. Semantic UI

    The results of the interviews showed that most of the web developers interviewed used a framework when they created a website, either an existing or one of their own. It was also a practice to use the same framework in the company, although the way it was used was different from developer to developer. All developers had a mobile-first thought in mind, although it was not always a priority.

    It was also found in the study that everyone had a basic idea behind the choice of framework, but only one who had performed a study on which one would suit them best.

    All web developers interviewed thought that the hamburger menu was boring and bad from a user experience perspective. But everyone also agreed that because it is so widely used and has been for a couple of years, users have learned what it means and therefore fulfills its purpose.

    Implications – The use of the results is primarily linked to individuals or companies that work with web development, but can also be used by private individuals. For the report's primary target group, the results will give an increased understanding of the most used framework and an increased understanding of why these are used. Private individuals can use the result in the same way.

    Limitations – The limitations we receive in this study are that we cannot make any conclusions about companies and web developers in other parts of the country using the same framework or methods as the local ones we interviewed. Nor can we make any conclusions about why Bootstrap is the most popular and most widely used framework. We can only speculate why with the empirical we gathered through the interviews.

    A major limitation is also the lack of interviews when we only got answers from 6 of the 10 companies we contacted, of whom 4 would like to participate in the interview. More general conclusions could have been drawn if more companies had been interviewed.

    Keywords – Framework, Web Development, Responsive Web Design, Interaction Design, User Experience, Bootstrap, Foundation, Materialize, Material Design Lite, Semantic UI

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  • 8.
    Chen, Jianing
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Product Development.
    Smart Headphone Design and Development2015Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 80 credits / 120 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 9.
    conradsson, Fredrika
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer and Electrical Engineering.
    Nyberg, Alexandra
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer and Electrical Engineering.
    Sociala mediers påverkan i fotografbranschen: skillnaden mellan reklam- och bröllopsfotograf2014Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    I den här undersökningen har vi tittat på hur sociala medier har påverkat branschen för fotografer. Idag ser vi mer och mer bilder överallt och internet har gjort det möjligt att synas för alla, oavsett budget. Därför ville vi se hur det har påverkat fotografer, eftersom “alla är fotografer” på internet idag. Vi valde att arbeta utifrån följande frågeställningar.

    1. Hur upplever fotografer att sociala medier har påverkat deras marknad?

    2. Skiljer det sig något mellan de fotografer som riktar sig till företag (reklam) och de som riktar sig till privatpersoner(bröllop, familjefotograferingar,porträtt)?

    För att få svar på våra frågor har vi intervjuat 6 stycken fotografer angående sociala medier och hur det har påverkat dem. Vi valde ut både reklam- och familjefotografer som är väl etablerade på marknaden. Alla fotograferna ansåg att sociala medier är viktigt att använda sig av för fotografer idag. Framförallt upplevde fotograferna som fotade privatpersoner och bröllop att de fick mycket nya kunder tack vare sociala medier och att de inte skulle klara sig utan det idag. Trots att alla fotografer ansåg att sociala medier var viktigt för deras överlevnad så kände de alla att de kunde bli betydligt bättre på det och det var också något som fick dem att känna sig lite stressade. Alla var överens om att Instagram var ett bra sätt att nå ut med sitt namn och underhålla redan befintliga kunder med. De kände att Instagram var enklast då det uppdaterades via mobilen. 

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    sociala mediers påverkan i fotografbranschen
  • 10. Eckmann, Peter
    Virtual reality designprinciples: A casestudy on VRChat2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Virtual Reality is rapidly growing in popularity. This new medium offers manypossibilities for those who wish to explore what the technology provides in the 3Denvironment. However, the design principles that have been used for decades revolvearound 2D surfaces and applying them in the 3D space can cause severalincompatibility issues that diminishes the user experience.This study aimed to help highlight what aspects of virtual reality need to be improvedcompared to non-virtual reality platforms to enhance the user experience. To do this,VRChat, a virtual reality platform was chosen, which can be used by both VR, and nonVR headset users alike. By comparing these two user bases it could help highlight thepros and cons of the current system and help give guidelines on how to create futureVR platforms. During the test period, 58 people participated who did specific tasks onthe platform and filled out the quantitative data gathering survey, based on the UserExperience Questionnaire (UEQ) test.After comparing the two user bases, the result shows that there is no significantdifference between using VRChat either way allowing both user bases to enjoy theplatform equally. However, because of these results, the work failed to highlight whataspects of a VR platform need to be changed to fit the needs of VR headset users. Itimplies the need for further research and experimenting with the medium. In the future,further research, testing and experimentation are needed to improve the current designmodels and make the systems more pleasant for VR headset users.

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    Virtual reality design principles: A case study on VRChat
  • 11.
    Ervik, Malin
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Department of Computer Science and Informatics.
    Tidstål, Susanna
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Department of Computer Science and Informatics.
    Gamifying Environmental Education for Young Minds: A Comparative Study of Gamification versus Traditional Methods for Enhanced Learning Outcomes and Engagement2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The technical field is expanding swiftly and the educational field is no exception. Mobile applications, tablets, and e-learning are integrated into standard pedagogical plans to increase motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes whereas gamification, the method of implementing gaming elements in non-game environments, has been argued to be a useful tool in terms of enhancing both engagement and learning outcomes. It has been demonstrated that gamification is effective when teaching different complex subjects, and environmental sustainability is one of them. With the looming environmental crisis inflicting new issues every year the need for effective education in the subject grows more and more important. However, the integration of gamification, e-learning, and environmental education for younger children remains quite unexplored. This research therefore aims to fill this knowledge gap.

    In order to fill the gap, two prototypes with the same content were developed. Firstly, one traditional text-based application worked as a digital book, and the second integrated gamification elements, working as a memory game. The prototypes were tested in a user test with children as participants. Half of the participants tested the digital book and half tested the memory game. The study was supplemented by an interview and an examination taken before and after the user test to determine how much the participants had learned from the application. The statistical results lacked a significant difference both in engagement as well as learning outcomes, however, with a slight favor of the gamified application in terms of engagement and of the digital book in terms of learning outcomes. The qualitative results, on the other hand, provided the insight that participants found the gamified application more fun and engaging, supporting previous research. It also provided observations on the behavior of the participants, such as competitiveness and nervousness, and its effects on the less successful learning outcomes for the gamification application. The findings suggest that while gamification holds potential, its design must be carefully aligned with educational objectives to be truly effective, leaving room for further research to investigate this field. 

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  • 12. Fritiofsson, Ida
    More Beautiful than Usable: A Study on the Web Navigation Experience on Swedish Art Museum Websites2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 13.
    Graus, Mark
    et al.
    Maastricht University.
    Ferwerda, Bruce
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer Science and Informatics.
    Theory-grounded user modeling for personalized HCI2019In: Personalized human-computer interaction / [ed] M. Augstein, E. Herder & W. Wörndl, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2019Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Personalized systems are systems that adapt themselves to meet the inferred needs of individual users. The majority of personalized systems mainly rely on data describing how users interacted with these systems. A common approach is to use historical data to predict users’ future needs, preferences, and behavior to subsequently adapt the system to cater to these predictions. However, this adaptation is often done without leveraging the theoretical understanding between behavior and user traits that can be used to characterize individual users or the relationship between user traits and needs that can be used to adapt the system. Adopting a more theoretical perspective can benefit personalization in two ways: (i) letting systems rely on theory can reduce the need for extensive data-driven analysis, and (ii) interpreting the outcomes of data-driven analysis (such as predictive models) from a theoretical perspective can expand our knowledge about users. However, incorporating theoretical knowledge in personalization brings forth a number of challenges. In this chapter, we review literature that taps into aspects of (i) psychological models from traditional psychological theory that can be used in personalization, (ii) relationships between psychological models and online behavior, (iii) automated inference of psychological models from data, and (iv) how to incorporate psychological models in personalized systems. Finally, we propose a step-by-step approach on how to design personalized systems that take users’ traits into account.

  • 14.
    Gulamhusein, Khadija
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Department of Computer Science and Informatics.
    Keresztes, Erika
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Department of Computer Science and Informatics.
    Social behaviour, a contributor to Instagram usage among students?: A comparative study on the relationship between Social behaviour and Instagram motivation and usage among University and Junior High School students2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 180 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]


    Background: Social media usage is increasing among adolescents and children, implying that the younger generations spend more time online than ever before. At the same time, previous research has shown that social media affects the well-being of the individuals who use it. This causes an increase in dependency on social media for social interaction and validation. Social behaviour in terms of distress, validation and anxiety is also becoming more prevalent in adolescents. This in turn affects the motivation and usage of social networking systems and individuals' dependency on them. Due to the usage of social networking systems and the characteristics of users changing continuously, heightened levels of anxiety, distress and validation seeking could be factors that affect U&G and the popularity of social networking system platforms in terms of relevance.

    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to gain an increased understanding of the motivations and usage of Instagram depending on social behaviours. The aim is to explore the differences between two demographics, University students and Junior High school students. 

    Method: For this, a quantitative approach was used, by deploying an online survey. The total number of valid responses gathered was 121. SPSS was used for analysis including data cleaning, descriptive statistics and independent samples t-test to accept or reject the hypothesised relationships between variables. 

    Conclusion: The findings of this study provide empirical evidence that the overall attitude towards Instagram differs between the study groups. Social interaction was the most popular U&G motive for both study groups, supporting the theory of Huang and Su (2018). The results show a relationship between social behaviours, usage and motivation, where people with higher levels of agreement of BFNE, SAD and IMS also showed higher and more concentrated levels of usage. A popularity shift towards Tiktok has also been noted in the results, indicating that younger generations do not feel that Instagram is satisfying their U&G.

  • 15.
    Hedenborn, Markus
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering.
    Nilsson, Oscar
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering.
    Att uppnå varumärkesframgång genom dagens designtrender2013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 16.
    Hänninen, Matilda
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering.
    Studio H22013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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    Studio H2
  • 17.
    Knees, Peter
    et al.
    TU Wien.
    Schedl, Marku
    Johannes Kepler University.
    Ferwerda, Bruce
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer Science and Informatics.
    Laplante, Audrey
    Université de Montréal.
    User Awareness in Music Recommender Systems2019In: Personalized human-computer interaction / [ed] M. Augstein, E. Herder & W. Wörndl, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2019Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Music recommender systems are a widely adopted application of personalized systems and interfaces.By tracking the listening activity of their users and building preference profiles, a user can be given recommendations based on the preference profiles of all users (collaborative filtering), characteristics of the music listened to (content-based methods), meta-data and relational data (knowledge-based methods; sometimes also considered content-based methods) or a mixture of these with other features (hybrid methods).In this chapter, we focus on the listener's aspects of music recommender systems.We discuss different factors influencing relevance for recommendation on both the listener's and the music's side and categorize existing work. In more detail, we then review aspects of (i) listener background in terms of individual, i.e., personality traits and demographic characteristics, and cultural features, i.e., societal and environmental characteristics, (ii) listener context, in particular modeling dynamic properties and situational listening behavior, and (iii) listener intention, in particular by studying music information behavior, i.e., how people seek, find, and use music information.This is followed by a discussion of user-centric evaluation strategies for music recommender systems. We conclude the chapter with a reflection on current barriers, by pointing out current and longer-term limitations of existing approaches and outlining strategies for overcoming these.

  • 18.
    Lundgren, Rasmus
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering.
    Lindström, Tobias
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering.
    Sökmotoroptimering och informationsdesign på en herrfrisörs webbplats: Search Engine Optimization and information design on a men’s hairdresser website2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Det här examensarbetet handlar om att skapa kundanpassad informationsdesign och

    genomtänkt sökmotoroptimering på en webbplats åt en frisörsalong för herrar. Arbetet

    har utförts i samarbete med företaget Hair & Nu, men resultatet är mer generellt för

    herrfrisörer. Hair & Nu’s nuvarande problem är att de inte har någon webbplats, och

    blir därför svårfunna med en nylanserad webbplats i den hårda konkurrensen som

    råder bland frisörsalonger. Under rapportens gång har följande två frågeställningar


    • Vilken kundrelaterad information skall tillämpas på en herrfrisörs webbplats

    för att uppfylla kundgruppens behov?

    • Hur ska sökmotoroptimering användas på en herrfrisörs webbplats för att

    förbättra sökresultatet på Googles sökmotor?

    För att besvara frågeställningarna har vi utfört tre metoder; tre intervjuer, nio

    konkurrentanalyser och en enkätundersökning. Dessa tre metoder skapade en god

    balans genom rapporten och stärker varandras data.

    Empirin från metoderna visar vilken kundrelaterad information som är mest relevant

    och hur man ska applicera det på ens webbplats, det visar även vilka sökord och

    tekniska element som är viktigast i uppbyggnaden av sökmotoroptimeringen.

    Implikationerna av vår empiri angående sökmotoroptimering är relativt oklart

    eftersom analysen av det som applicerats på en webbplats endast kan göras efter två

    månader, och vi har inte den tiden.

    Begränsningarna syftar främst till Googles otydliga facit på hur en webbplats ska

    sökmotoroptimeras. Även uppkomsten av fördelaktiga hjälpprogram framkom under

    intervjuerna, och kunde varit till stor del för oss i början av processen.

    Interaktionsdesign är ett ämne som skulle kunna ha tillförts i uppbyggnaden av vår

    rapport, men med hänsyn till omfattningen är inte denna koppling möjlig.

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    Sökmotoroptimering och informationsdesign
  • 19.
    Madsen, Melina
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication.
    Petterson, Julia
    Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication.
    Lärplattan, främjande eller hindrande?: En litteraturstudie om multimodalt lärande genom användandet av lärplattan i undervisningen i svenska årskurs F-32022Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna studie belyser vilka hinder som kan uppstå när man arbetar multimodalt genom lärplattan i lågstadiet i ämnet svenska, men även i vilka sammanhang det kan främja elevers inlärning. Detta visar i sin tur resultatet av vad multimodalt lärande ger, samt varför lärplattan kan ses på olika sätt i lärandet. Hur ska skolan göra för att bidra till att lärplattan blir en tillgång och inte en börda i undervisningen? Multimodalt lärande finns i många olika former så som ljud, rörelse och bild. Det multimodala lärandet med exempelvis lärplattan får ta mer plats och används alltmer i skolan, men för vilket syfte? För vissa lärare kan multimodalt lärande genom lärplattan innebära en tillgång men för andra en börda eller endast en utfyllnad under lektioner. Lärplattan och andra digitala verktyg används av majoriteten av elever och folk i allmänhet på en daglig basis utanför skolan, vilket tyder på att samhället utvecklas. Detta betyder även att skolorna utvecklas. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur multimodalt lärande med hjälp av lärplattan behandlas i forskning inom ämnet svenska. Genom denna studie bildas ett underlag som synliggör behov av vidare forskning inom multimodalt lärande via lärplattan ur lärarperspektivet. Alla elever lär sig inte på samma sätt vilket gör att lärare måste använda olika utlärningsmetoder. Detta gör studiens frågeställningar svåra att ge ett precist svar på. Arbetets resultat visar att multimodalt lärande med lärplattan kan främja elevers inlärning på många olika sätt vilket visar vad ett multimodal lärande genom lärplattan kan innebära. Det kan vara enkla stödjanden så som ett underlättande vid redigering av felskrivning i texter, men även ett främjande i elevers arbete med läs- och skrivkunnighet, hörförståelse och uttal. Arbete med multimodal inlärning genom lärplattan kan även agera som ett hinder, exempelvis kan lärplattan skapa tekniska problem. Det är även essentiellt att passande arbetsmaterial (t.ex. applikationer) används på ett korrekt sätt, vid korrekt tillfälle. När det gäller specialanpassning visar sig multimodalt lärande genom lärplattan kunna stödja vid bland annat språksvårigheter och bearbetning av ljudlig information, samt fungera som ett hjälpmedel vid finmotoriska begränsningar. 

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    Lärplattan, främjande eller hindrande?
  • 20.
    Müller, Stefanie
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer Science and Informatics.
    Improving the Usability of a Q&A Platform: A design process based on the principles of Lean UX – adapted to a given start-up environment2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 15 credits / 22,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This Bachelor thesis is about digital tools for event organisers. The platforms offered by companies serve as digital backchannels that among other things facilitate interactions between audience and stage, for example during live Q&A sessions. This work focuses on the tasks and challenges of moderators on site and aims to develop a system that will optimise their workflows. Therefore, a tool is developed that allows moderators to conduct a Q&A session independently without having to rely on the assistance of an event organiser operating a desktop based platform simultaneously. The analysis addresses the moderator's role and tasks. It turns out that the functions of the platform relevant to the moderator can be combined in a mobile interface that is linked to it. Using a semi- structured expert interview, the feedback from clients of the start-up "Happenn" is gathered, which use the already existing platform of the company. Their platform "Happenn Live" serves as case study for this thesis. On the basis of the findings of the methods adapted to Lean UX, a solution approach in the form of a redesign of the platform and a corresponding mobile application for moderators is conceptualised. The structure and visual design of the platform follows the general design standards for desktop- and mobile-based interfaces. In this way, an improved usability can be achieved by making the platform more user-friendly for the user.

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  • 21.
    Norrbrink, Pierre
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer Science and Informatics.
    Huynh, Benjamin
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer Science and Informatics.
    Ett metodiskt recept2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 22.
    Reinikainen, Hanna
    et al.
    University of Helsinki.
    Sjöberg, Jens
    Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication, HLK, Media and Communication Studies.
    Personal or professional?: An exploratory analysis of Finnish and Swedish police officers on social media2023In: Organization, Communication and Promotion: Div 8: Contestations on social media / [ed] Nils S. Borchers, Bergen: Nordicom, 2023, p. 11-Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper examines how individual police officers use social media as part of their communication routines and what strategies generate. Specifically, this study focuses on how police officers balance between presentations of their personal and professional lives on Instagram or TikTok by using content analysis methodology of 20 posts from Finnish and Swedish police officers. This paper adds to the literature on strategic communication and digital public sector communication. The results build an understanding about the possible challenges that may follow as public sector organizations and authorities utilize social media in their strategic communication and seek to connect with the public in more personal ways. 

  • 23.
    Rezaei, Mohammad Mostafa
    et al.
    Jönköping University.
    Cocco, Federico
    Jönköping University.
    Design Innovation at Science Park Jönköping: A Hybrid Approach to Fostering Entrepreneurship: Exploring the Impact of Integrated Support Mechanisms on Startups Success and their Development2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 40 credits / 60 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Science Park Jönköping was created to encourage new ideas and help start-ups by offering a wide range of services. These services, which include training, coaching, networking, and financial help, are all meant to make the process of creativity easier for companies. The park has been very important in encouraging people to become businesses and driving economic growth in the area by making it a place where people can be creative, work together, and always try to do better. 

    Research Problem: Even though it is known that science parks are good for encouraging people to start their own businesses, not much is known about how their structured innovation processes help startups be more innovative, especially when it comes to new types of startups like social technology ones. 

    Purpose: The goal of this study is to look into how Science Park Jönköping uses its innovation processes to help and encourage the growth of startups, especially those that focus on social technology. 

    Research Question: How is Design Innovation applied within Science Park in Jönköping to foster innovation in social technology startups? 

    Method: This study uses an embedded case study method in Science Park Jönköping and gets qualitative data from interviews with both startup teams and Science Park staff. The goal is to get a deep understanding of how innovation support works and how well it works. 

    Conclusion: The study concludes that organized innovation methods used in Science Park Jönköping are very helpful for helping startups on their way to innovation. This method encourages creativity and helps startups meet the needs of the market, which eventually leads to their great growth and development. 

  • 24.
    Schedl, Markus
    et al.
    Johannes Kepler University, Austria.
    Ferwerda, Bruce
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer Science and Informatics.
    Large-scale Analysis of Group-specific Music Genre Taste From Collaborative Tags2017In: Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, ISM 2017, IEEE, 2017, p. 479-482, article id Code 134021Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper, we describe the LFM-1b User Genre Profile dataset. It provides detailed information on musical genre preferences for more than 120,000 listeners and links to the LFM-1b dataset. We created the dataset by exploiting social tags, indexing them using two genre term sets, and aggregating the resulting annotated listening events on the user level. We foresee several applications of the dataset in music retrieval and recommendation tasks, among others to build and evaluate decent user models, to alleviate cold-start situations in music recommender systems, and to increase their performance using the additional abstraction layer of genre. We further present results of statistical analyses of the dataset, regarding genre preferences and their consistencies. We do so for the entire user population and for user groups defined by demographic similarities. Moreover, we report interesting insights about correlations between musical preferences on the genre level.

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  • 25.
    Schedl, Markus
    et al.
    Johannes Kepler University, Austria.
    Lemmerich, Florian
    Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany.
    Ferwerda, Bruce
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer Science and Informatics.
    Skowron, Marcin
    Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Austria.
    Knees, Peter
    Vienna University of Vienna, Austria.
    Indicators of Country Similarity in Terms of Music Taste, Cultural, and Socio-economic Factors2017In: Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, ISM 2017, IEEE, 2017, p. 308-311, article id Code 134021Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Considering the cultural background of users is known to improve recommender systems for multimedia items. In this work, we focus on music and analyze user demographics and music listening events in a large corpus (120,000 users, 109 events) from to investigate whether similarity between countries in terms of cultural and socio-economic factors is reflected in music taste. To this end, we propose a tag-based model to describe the music taste of a country and correlate the resulting music profiles to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and the Quality of Government data. Spearman’s rank-order correlation and Quadratic Assignment Procedure indeed indicate statistically significant weak to medium correlations of music taste and several cultural and socio-economic factors. The results will help elaborating culture-aware models of music listeners and in turn likely yield improved music recommender systems.

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  • 26.
    Sedkowska, Justyna
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering.
    How does the user experience of a progressive web application compare to native application?: A case study on user's attitude in context of social media.2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose–The purpose of this thesis paper was to measure differences in the user experience provided by the Progressive Web App technology in comparison to native application in a context of social media. The study investigated users attitude towards different user interfaces implemented in the PWA and the native application.

    Method–This paper isqualitative research in the field of user experience. Usability tests paired with semi-structured interview were chosen as research methods for this study. The study has been conducted on Twitter's PWA and Android application. Ten participants took part in the study.

    Findings–The results have shown that most of the participants can identify differences in the user interfaces of both apps. Although both applications provided the same functionalities, the different UI solutions were the major factor influencing users feelings. On top of that, different user interfaces did not change the user's perception of the platform's consistency. As a result, more participants preferred the PWA over the native app. Moreover, results suggest that PWA can provide native-like experience in the context of social media.

    Implications–The main contribution of this bachelor thesis is a comparison of user experience on PWA and native app technology in the context of social media. This research opens a discussion about the need for companies to broader their digital presence by implementing PWA technology as it can bring benefit to users and businesses.

    Limitations–The main limitation of this study is a low number of participants caused by restrictions of social distancing inthe times of global pandemic. On top of that, the convenient sampling method has been used.

    Keywords–User Experience, Progressive Web Application,User Interface, Native Mobile Application, Attitude

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  • 27.
    Sjöberg, Jens
    Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication, HLK, Media and Communication Studies.
    “How Do We Communicate a Sense of Safety?”: A Study to Enhance the Swedish Police Social Media Communication to Create a Sense of Safety in the Public Sphere2023In: Fear in Culture and Culture of Fear: Fear in the Mediasphere / [ed] Víctor Hernández-Santaolalla, Tallinn: Juri Lotman Semiotics Repository, Tallinn University The School of Humanities, Tallinn University, Estonian Semiotics Association, Tallinn University , 2023, Vol. 13, p. 49-Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The public sphere faces many complex problems affecting its actors concerned with safety and fear. Furthermore, the general challenges with safety and fear are connected to a wicked problem with social implications and uncertainties, leading to public fear in the worst case. Here communication has a vital role. This study focuses on Sweden, and a wicked example is the struggle with gang violence, shootings, killings, and explosions that cause insecurity and fear in society. Hence, creating and communicating a sense of safety is thus vital to handle fear in the public sphere, and one actor to do this is the Swedish Police. 

    This study aims to explore how the Swedish Police can, via participatory processes, understand and enhance their social media communication concerning the complexity of publicly creating a sense of safety. Therefore, in this study, Critical Making and Sensemaking are used as the theoretical lenses because of their participatory processes’ perspective. The empirical data builds on two workshops with police employees from the Police Region South [Polisregion Syd] (PRS), focusing on creating social media communication strategies to develop, understand, and strategically deepen their sense of safety communication. The workshops take a bottom-up perspective with police employees to grasp the polyphonic character and the complexity of their communication regarding creating a sense of safety in the public sphere. This study adds to the literature on public sector organizations and how strategic communication is utilized in social media communication of complex matters.

  • 28.
    Sjöberg, Jens
    Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication, HLK, Media and Communication Studies.
    “How do we communicate a sense of safety?”: Participatory processes to enhance the Swedish Police's social media communication regarding creating a sense of safety in the public sphere2023In: Organization, Communication and Promotion: Div 8: Contestations on social media / [ed] Johanna Arnesson, Bergen: Nordicom, 2023, p. 31-Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study aims to understand how the Swedish Police, which is an authoritarian public sector organization, communicates about public safety through their social media presence. This study utilizes a participatory process method by using critical making workshops consisting of discussions, actions, and reflections to capture participants’ sensemaking processes. Thus, sensemaking is therefore used as the theoretical lens. The preliminary findings in this paper build on four critical making workshops with three to four police employees from the Police Region South [Polisregion Syd] (PRS), focusing on reflecting and creating social media communication strategies. This is to strategically deepen the social media communication about a sense of safety by taking a bottom-up perspective to grasp the polyphonic character and the complexity of the communication.

  • 29.
    Sjöberg, Jens
    Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication, HLK, Media and Communication Studies.
    Participatory Processes to Make Sense of Communicating Public Safety via Social Media2023In: Organizing in the Face of Global Crises: Communication, Strategy, and “Doing the Right Thing” / [ed] Cecilia Cassinger, John McClellan, Visa Penttilä, Monica Porzionato & Charlotte Simonsson, Toronto, Canada: International Communication Association , 2023Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study aims to understand how public sector organization, in this case, the Swedish Police, communicates about public safety through their social media presence. This study utilizes a participatory process method by using critical making workshops consisting of discussions, actions, and reflections to capture participants' sensemaking processes. Thus, sensemaking is therefore used as the theoretical lens. The empirical material builds on a couple of critical making workshops with four police employees from the Police Region South [Polisregion Syd] in each session, focusing on creating social media communication strategies. This is achieved to develop, understand, and strategically deepen the sense of safety by taking a bottom-up perspective to grasp the polyphonic character and the complexity of the communication.

  • 30.
    Sjöberg, Jens
    Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication, HLK, Media and Communication Studies.
    POLISER PÅ SOCIALA MEDIER2022Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 31.
    Sjöberg, Jens
    Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication, HLK, Media and Communication Studies.
    Swedish Police Employees Reflect on the Swedish Police Authority’s Use of Social Media to Raise Trust and Safety in Society2022In: MEDIA BREAKDOWN AND RECOVERY | INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM | 16TH MARCH 2022 | LUND UNIVERSITY: Panel 3: Infrastructures, Assemblage and Breakdown. Chair: Nico Carpentier / [ed] Annette Hill, Hario Satrio Priambodho and Cheryl Fung, Lund: Department of Communication and Media, Lund University , 2022Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 32.
    Sundqvist, Isabella
    et al.
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Department of Computer Science and Informatics.
    Zurawska, Kinga Joanna
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Department of Computer Science and Informatics.
    Low-impact user interfaces: How can we create a climate-smart approach toward front-end mobile application design?: Evaluation and proposed improvement of existing guidelines – Focused on Online Food Delivery sector.2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The use of the Internet and digital services has increased significantly during recent years, and as Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field keeps on expanding, it is influencing aspects of our daily lives, though not always for the better. Researchers and practitioners, including a small number of designers, are addressing the growing concerns about the Internet’s environmental impact, such as electronic waste, increased energy use, resource depletion, and carbon footprint, which have emerged in recent years, and are calling for a more environment-friendly approach to web and app design. However, it is still a relatively new area of concern. This study evaluates existing guidelines for designing low-impact user interfaces in the mobile food delivery sector. First, the study investigates users’ food delivery habits and their impressions of low-impact interfaces. The findings from this section are then used to design a low-impact food delivery application (FDA) prototype and are tested with users to see how to make low-impact interfaces attractive for a possible change in user behaviors. This thesis builds on previous research about sustainable web design, but the focus area of this study is to investigate whether applied guidelines and low-impact design features are desired by users on mobile screens as well. The research reveals that low-impact features are indeed useful on smaller screens as well and users are generally open-minded and acceptive of front-end changes that have a more positive impact on the environment. However, it is crucial to communicate clearly about any low-impact modifications made to an application, due to the current low level of user awareness and knowledge in this field.

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  • 33.
    Tkalcic, Marko
    et al.
    Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.
    Ferwerda, Bruce
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Computer Science and Informatics.
    Theory-driven Recommendations: Modeling Hedonic and Eudaimonic Movie Preferences2018Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Most of the research in recommender systems focuses on data-driven approaches. In this paper we present our vision for complementing data-driven approaches with model-driven ones. We present a preliminary experimental set-up and we expose our research plan. In the experimental set-up we acquired eudaimonic characteristics of movies and user preferences. Furthermore, we performed a preliminary analysis of the acquired data.

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  • 34.
    Westin, Mia
    Jönköping University, School of Engineering.
    The municipal challenges of the accessibility act: A study of the challenges in compliance with the Swedish act on accessibility to digital public service within Swedish municipalities2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Digitalization in society is going fast and was accelerated further by the Covid-19 pandemic. By this, many people's everyday tasks were transferred to digital environments. This meant in Sweden that most new internet users in 2020 were people over the age of 75 and people with different types of disabilities. Due to this increase in digitalization and all these new internet users, accessibility online is a subject that has gained higher significance.

    Since September 2020, all Swedish municipalities' websites must be accessible by law. Municipalities have a great responsibility to make information and necessary services available to the public. The purpose of this study was to investigate how well municipalities succeed with their work with web accessibility as a consequence of the legislation in Sweden and identify where the municipalities meet concrete obstacles in order to comply with the law. The purpose was also to investigate how the work with web accessibility on municipal websites can be simplified, improved, or otherwise enabled for those who work with such issues in the municipalities. To fulfill the purpose, two research question was formed for the study:

    1.     In the process of making municipalities’ websites accessible, which are the concrete obstacles that make the work difficult for those who work with such issues in the municipalities?


    2.     How can the work with the accessibility of municipal websites be simplified, improved, or otherwise enabled for those who work with such issues in the municipalities?

    To answer the research questions, two methods were chosen, a web survey and in-depth interviews, which corresponds to a combination of a quantitative and a qualitative method. The web survey was sent out to all municipalities in Sweden with the focus to answer RQ1 and the in-depth interviews were conducted with two accessibility experts with the focus to answer RQ2. Several obstacles were identified relating to lack of resources, lack of competence, lack of understanding of the law and the interpretation of it, attitudes, and old technology. Solutions on how the work can be simplified for those who work with web accessibility were identified relating to attitudes, resources, competence, legislation, and consumer demands. The main conclusions were that even though a municipality comply fully with the law, it does not mean that the website is accessible for all users, hence the law is not comprehensive enough. It also shows that there are several aspects that makes it hard for the municipalities to comply with the law and that most of these aspects also are the areas that needs improvement for the work to be simplified for the municipalities.

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