The urbanization is increasing while there is a comprehensive climate change in the world. The cities stands for 70 percent of the global carbon emissions and two-thirds of the world's energy use. Half the world's population live in cities. Because of this, it is necessary that cities are sustainable. Therefore, there are various classification systems for neighborhoods that facilitates the creation of a sustainable city. However, there is no Swedish system but Breeam Communities is adapted to Swedish conditions.
The objective of the report is to contribute to the development of methods that support sustainable urban development. By first identifying the classification systems, these could be compared with each other to see which criteria’s recurred. Parallels could be drawn as to which was more important, as the majority made use of these criteria. A sketching was made to find out what criteria should be included in the Swedish system and the regular criteria of the investigated classification systems were also very helpful.
The systems that have been investigated are Breeam Communities, Casbee for Cities, One Planet Communities, Green Star Communities and Leed for Neighborhood Development. The systems measure sustainability usually infactors/criteria of social, economic and ecological aspects. Classification systems have different requirements or goals of what needs to be achieved within each factor. The systems are very different designed which complicated the comparison process.
The regular criteria in all systems are carbon, water consumption, water pollution, food, wildlife and nature, floods, waste management, developed land, physicalactivity, accessibility, health and welfare, culture and heritage, transport, greenspaces, community involvement, light pollution, local economy and employment.
Since Sweden has its own climate and its own standards, a foreign system is not adapted so easily to Swedish conditions. The criteria that should be part of a Swedish system is partly based on the global and national goals for Sweden as wellas those returned in the analyzed systems. In addition to the criteria that reappeared in the systems (some of the criteria has been renamed) it should also contain noise, nature, traffic, mixed development, security, maintenance and education.T
There are many factors within the three perspectives to be analyzed and utilized to achieve a well-organized and good classification system of neighborhoods. There are many benefits of a classification system. For example, it facilitates informed choice, collaboration and communication between actors, but most of all a better society to live in.