Purpose: During the planning phase of a construction there are many participants
involved; architects, building contractors, constructors, developers and so on.
Communication problems occur between these participants and may lead to wrong
planning and high costs. Partnering focuses on relationship-building, transparency and
trust, which in theory should reduce the problems for a project. The objective of this
study is to analyse the communication in the planning phase to identify how
communication problems can be prevented in a partnering.
Method: To achieve the objective, literature studies and interviews have been
selected as methods. The interviewees were selected from two partnering projects that
Skanska was involved in.
Findings: Results show that partnering reduces communication problems and create a
greater involvement and commitment of the project planners. However, some problem
still exists such as the use of project portals, choice of communication channels,
coordination and information transfer on a formal and informal level.
To prevent these problems, literature studies and interviewees contributed a few
examples; a detailed meeting agenda, add comments on the blueprints, production
personnel should participate in planning meetings and economic incentives. The
interviewees have felt that partnering has worked well which has produced good
results during the project planning.
Implications: To create an effective planning group and remove the participants own
interest, partnering should be applied. Planners should work with one project at a time
and should be located with each other to benefit the work and communication at
formal and informal level. Planners should work in a project portal that they are
experienced and comfortable with.
Limitations: This thesis will only analyze the planning stage. The two analyzed
partnering projects were under planning stage during the thesis, which made it
impossible to continue the research on the handover phase from planning to
production. The interviewees have been limited to architects, contractors,
constructors, developers, electrical and plumbing planners.
Keywords: Planning stage, communication, partnering, communication problems