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Ömsesidiga överenskommelser enligt skatteavtal
Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School, JIBS, Accounting and Law.
2013 (Swedish)Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)Alternative title
Mutual Agreement Procedures in Tax Treaties (English)
Abstract [sv]

Ömsesidiga överenskommelser (eng. mutual agreement procedures) återfinns huvudsakligen i artikel 25 OECD:s modellavtal. Syftet med sådana överenskommelser är att undvika internationell dubbelbeskattning. Överenskommelserna kan antingen utgöra ett rättsmedel, som är ett alternativ till domstolsförfarande, eller verka som ett medel för att få skatteavtalen att fungera bättre mellan de avtalsslutande staterna. De rättsliga svårigheter som uppkommer i samband med överenskommelserna beror huvudsakligen på att överenskommelserna utgör en internationellt, av OECD, konstruerad företeelse som ska anpassas till och tillämpas på ett nationellt, redan befintligt regelsystem. Det kan härmed uppkomma spänningar och motsättningar mellan olika bestämmelser.

Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga och utvärdera en internationellt konstruerad företeelse, dvs. ömsesidiga överenskommelser, för att undersöka om ändamålet med sådana överenskommelser uppfylls inom ramen för det svenska regelsystemet. Studien företas inom rättsområdet internationell skatterätt, men har emellertid en interdisciplinär ansats. Härav analyseras även bestämmelser inom folkrätt, konstitutionell rätt, förvaltningsprocessrätt, allmän förvaltningsrätt och sekretess.

Abstract [en]

The focal point of this study is mutual agreement procedures, which are found in tax treaties, and derived from Art. 25 OECD Model Tax Convention (OECD MTC). The overall purpose of the mutual agreements is to avoid international double taxation. The agreements can either constitute an alternative to court proceedings, or constitute a means for improving the functioning of tax treaties. Provisions regarding mutual agreements can be found, in various forms, in all Swedish tax treaties. Since Sweden is a dualistic state tax treaties are incorporated into the Swedish legal system by legislation. This means that the provisions regarding mutual agreements are incorporated into Swedish legislation. Legal difficulties that arise regarding the agreements are mainly due to the fact that mutual agreement procedures constitute an internationally, by the OECD, constructed phenomenon, which is to be applied on a nationally, already existing, legal system. It may hereby occur tensions and conflicts between different provisions.

The overall aim of this study is to identify and evaluate mutual agreements from a Swedish perspective. This includes identifying a relatively unexplored area, i.e. mutual agreements and their place within the Swedish legal system. In order to meet the overall objective, three research tasks are formulated. First, which internal provisions apply to mutual agreements, and how are they to be applied? Secondly, it is examined if the Swedish legal system, regarding mutual agreements, is consistent from three evaluation criteria: the constitutional principles of separation of powers and legal competence, legal certainty aspects, and the provisions of the Vienna Convention of the Law on treaties (VCLT). If there are any inconsistences in the legal system, may these be solved? Thirdly, it is studied if the Swedish legal system, regarding mutual agreements, provides for fulfillment of the purpose of mutual agreements or if there are any legal obstacles to this.

The thesis is carried out in the field of tax law. However, the study has an interdisciplinary approach, which means that aspects of other areas of law are considered, such as international law, constitutional law, administrative judicial procedural law, administrative law, and secrecy.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Jönköping: Jönköping International Business School , 2013. , p. 516
JIBS Dissertation Series, ISSN 1403-0470 ; 089
National Category
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Law and Society
URN: urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-20921ISBN: 978-91-86345-42-6 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:615410
Public defence
2013-05-03, B1014 at JIBS, Jönköping, 10:00 (Swedish)
Available from: 2013-04-10 Created: 2013-04-10 Last updated: 2018-01-11Bibliographically approved

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Sallander, Ann-Sophie

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