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Analys av köldbryggor, fönsterplacering och värmesystem för ett låg-/plusenergihus
Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Civil Engineering.
Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Civil Engineering.
2012 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
An analyze of thermal bridges, placing of windows and heating systems for a low-energy house (English)
Abstract [sv]

Miljo och energi ar tva faktorer som blir allt viktigare, och energisnala hus har nu

funnits en tid pa marknaden. Att ta lagenergihus ett steg langre, och gora

plusenergihus som levererar mer energi an vad den gor av med, ar inte lika val

testat i Sverige annu. Da tjockleken pa vaggarna blir storre ar det ocksa viktigare

att hitta tekniker som minskar koldbryggor vid anslutningar.

For att forsta hur man pa basta satt ska utforma och konstruera dessa hus

behovs kunskap om material, koldbryggor, byggnadsdetaljer, klimat och

uppvarmningssystem. Bland annat har en analys av vilka olika varmesystem som

passar bra for ett lag-/plusenergihus gjorts i denna examensrapport, med stod av

referensobjekt. For att huset i framtiden ska kunna utnyttjas som ett plusenergihus

behovs ett system som har kapacitet att lagra energi under en kortare tid. Istallet

for att anvanda bergvarme gar det exempelvis att installera solfangare, som aven

fungerar bra i Sverige, och vintertid racker det med en braskamin.

I samarbete med Trivselhus har generella principer for koldbryggor tagits fram

genom berakningar for hand och i programmet UNorm version 2011:1. Resultatet

visar att det kritiska omradet vid anslutningen platta pa mark och vagg ar syllen,

och det ar viktigt att dessa anslutningar blir sa tata som mojligt. For att minska

varmeflodet i detta kritiska omrade ar det en fordel att dela syllarna och att isolera

emellan dem. For koldbryggor kring fonster har resultaten fran berakningar, bade

for hand och genom Unorm, visat att koldbryggorna ar storre i en tjock vagg. I en

tjock vagg ar varmeflodet trogare och vaggen upplevs som kall. Detta har inte sa

stor inverkan pa sjalva innetemperaturen, men vaggen far ett mildare uttryck.

En solstudie i Revit Architecture har utforts dar fonstren forst har placerats i

ytterkant pa fasad och sedan i innerkant for att undersoka vilken skillnad det gor i

solinstralning och transmissioner fran och till byggnaden. Nar fonstren placeras i

innerkant bildar vaggen en sollada och skuggar fonstret mer an om det ligger i

fasad. Utifran det har resultatet ser man att det spelar en stor roll var man placerar

sina fonster. Sommartid forloras en hel del solenergi om man placerar fonstren i

innerkant av fasad, istallet for i ytterkant. En hel del gratisenergi kan utvinnas om

man placerar fonstren i ytterkant av fasaden. Skillnaden i solinstralning for de

olika placeringarna motsvarar nastan en femtedel utav en villas totala


Abstract [en]

Environment and energy are two factors that have become more important as the

development in general is increasing over the world. Low-energy houses have

been on the market for a while now, and the development of buildings is moving

towards houses that can produce energy both to deliver and to supply the house

itself. As the thickness of the walls increases it becomes more important to reduce

the thermal bridges among construction details, for example connection between

wall and slab.

To understand how to design and construct these buildings, knowledge about

material, thermal bridges, building details, climate and heating systems is required.

In this thesis, analyzes have been done that concerns heating systems that are

suitable for a low energy house with help from references to similar projects.

Together with the Swedish company Trivselhus general principles for thermal

bridges have been developed, these principles are based on calculations by hand

and by using software called UNorm 2011-1. The result shows a critical part

among the connection between the concrete slab and the wall. Also the joist is

really important to make sure it is dense. To reduce the heat flow in this critical

area, it makes sense to separate the joists and insulate between them. For thermal

bridges around the windows, the results of calculations, both by hand and by

UNorm, showed that thermal bridges are greater in a thick wall. In a thick wall the

heat flow is slower and the wall is perceived as cold. This has not much effect on

the actual indoor temperature, but the wall may get a milder impression.

In Autodesk’s Revit Architecture a sun study has been created to see if there is

any difference between having the windows placed in the facade or in the inner

part of the facade. Will it make any difference for the shading of the window and

how will it affect the sun insolation and the transmission of energy in and out of

the window? When the window is further into the wall, the wall creates a box that

increases the shading of the window. Based on this result you can see that the

placing of the windows does matter. During the summertime a lot of solar energy

will be lost if the window is placed further in to the facade. The transmission from

the building, through the windows, is not that big, but the greatest difference can

be seen in the total solar insolation. A lot of energy can be extracted from the sun

insolation, if you place the windows right, which is in the outside of the facade.

Almost one fourth of a buildings total energy consumption of a year can be

received from the solar energy only through the windows, if they are placed in the

outside of the facade.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2012. , p. 90
Keywords [sv]
Byggnadsteknik, Köldbryggor, Lågenergihus, Solstudie, Transmission, Värmesystem, Värmeflöde, UNorm
National Category
Building Technologies
URN: urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-20793OAI:, id: diva2:611757
External cooperation
Subject / course
JTH, Civil Engineering
Available from: 2013-04-17 Created: 2013-03-11 Last updated: 2013-04-17Bibliographically approved

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