Background & Problem
The author believes that there are important lessons to be
learned from the states in Africa that have managed to achieve successful transitions from
one-party regimes to multy-party regimes. However, Africa today displays countries that
suffer from enormous problems and many of them are mired in political and economical
development. A main theme of this thesis is the search for the differences, how can we
explain the transitions and the outcomes of them?
The purpose of this thesis is to describe the nature of transitions as Bratton
& de Walle explain them and to see if their suggested explanations hold true in Ghana &
Zambia. A secondary purpose also includes a comparison between the two cases and the
differences between them.
A combination of a traditional literature study and a focused comparative
study has been used in order to fulfil the purpose.
Theoretical Framework
The second, third, fourth and fifth chapter represent the
bulk of the theoretical framework. The theories stem from Bratton & de Walle and will be
weighted against the empirical information found in the two cases.
Analysis & Conclusions
The latter chapters of this thesis summarize the results from
the comparison and include a discussion and comment chapter. The conclusion argues that
the causes and results of a transition to a large extent can be found in the political. The
phases that Bratton & de Walle describe are also accurate in relation to the two cases. An
important feature that Ghana has been successful with is that they have managed to
withhold a higher political activity throughout their democratization. This has in turn
resulted in a better outcome.
2007. , p. 65