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Energiberäkningar för passivhus
Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Civil Engineering.
2007 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 points / 15 hpStudent thesisAlternative title
Energy calculations for passive houses (English)
Abstract [en]


Climate and environmental issues are of paramount importance. Researchers agree

that we must all contribute to a reduction of gases that contribute to climate

change. Energy consumption must decrease within all sectors and the promotion

of renewable sources of energy must be introduced.

Each sector should aspire to decrease its energy consumption. Energy

consumption is strongly linked to waste gases that contribute to climate change.

Passive houses are a part of the construction industry's methods to attain energy


Passive houses are derived from low energy houses and super insulated houses. A

passive house is intended to obtain heat from the inhabitants and through their

activities. The house is built so that heat losses through the climate shell (doors,

windows, walls, floors and ceilings) and the ventilation system are decreased. In

order to get a good indoor environment it is important that the ventilation and

heat recycling system working together, hold the energy consumption down. This

is how faculty people usually present a passive house to someone who has not

considered the concept before.

I would like to turn the focus from heating to cooling. Houses with large glass

facades facing south and a closed climate shell risk too high an indoor

temperature. How do we plan houses so that they don’t need a cooling system? Is

protection from the sun enough?

During the planning of a passive house, efforts are made in order to let the house

be dependent on a small heat battery during the coldest parts of the year. My

approach to passive houses became an effort to see how solar radiation influences

closed and highly insulated units.

The heating of houses in my calculations was not influenced to any extent by the

rotation of the building. When heating buildings the sun’s radiation only plays a

small part. When the sun’s radiation is most concentrated no active heating is

required. It is important to note that solar radiation cannot be depended upon at

all times especially in winter. Of course, with sun protection, energy needed for

heating will increase but energy for cooling will decrease.

Sun radiation influences active cooling as shown in my software program.

Increased sun radiation requires increased active cooling for alternatives in my

study without sun protection. The alternatives with sun protection are not

influenced as much by solar radiation as those without.

Alternatives with strong sun protections are not as sensetive how the house is

placed among the point of the compass. Solar radiation does not become equally

considerable and impact to be decreased therefore.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2007. , p. 24
Keywords [sv]
Passivhus, energiberäkningar, VIP+, fönsterplacering
National Category
Building Technologies
URN: urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-853OAI:, id: diva2:4600
Available from: 2007-06-20 Created: 2007-06-20

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