Introduction: As information technology has been developing so rapidly, it affects all business processes. Project management is also greatly affected, as organizations world-wide constantly strive for competitive advantage, major tools were produced and manage-ment control of project progress throughout their lifecycle is becoming increasingly recog-nized for its importance.
Problem: The study of software project management tools has aroused a great deal of in-terest in modern research circles as well as inspired extensive research in the area of mana-gerial science. However, there still seems to be confusion, disagreement and limited re-search regarding these concepts of job performance.
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine, how project management tools can af-fect the efficiency in a software development project. Efficiency will be measured by time, from project start to finish, human and financial resources.
Method: An electronic qualitative and partly quantitative questionnaires were sent to three sampled companies. In each company one Web programmer, one project manager and one executive level employee had filled out the questionnaires. The acquired data was then ana-lysed in relation to the frame of reference.
Frame of Reference: Theoretical framework is build on a literature within software pro-ject management field, Iron/Golden Triangle, Productivity Paradox, Technology Accep-tance Model, and Software Project Management.
Conclusion: To conclude the results of the study, after analyzing the data gathered from various companies implementing JIRA has in all cases resulted in increased product quality, more efficient and faster communication, as well as lower product development costs. This means that implementing JIRA can be beneficial for time, money and quality of software development.
Project Management, Software Project Management, Project Management Tool, Efficiency