This report presents a thesis project at the School of Engineering, Jönköping
University, where the task has been to develop a proposal for a parish community
centre for the Swedish church’s parish community in Bankeryd.
1 st of November in 2004 the parish in Bankeryd appointed a special commission
of inquiry called Framtidsgruppen (Future Group), to analyse the parish
community’s different activities during the past 5 years and analyse the future
activities and needs for the upcoming 5-10 years. This analysis would underlie the
needs of building a new centre for the parish community.
Implementation, results and conclusion
The main focal points which this report is concentrated on has been to develop a
building that is well suited for the activities, well adjusted for disabled persons and
the building shall be appealing in an architectural point of view.
Based on the information provided from the parish community, studies of
literature, reference objects and discussions with the contact person at the parish
community and the instructor of this project, the programming has been
developed. The building’s programming has been the source for the continued
work with floor plans and the building design.
2006. , p. 51