In this essay we describe the characteristics of the internet language used by senior-level school pupils. Our primary question formulation is: ”Which are the significant features of the youth’s internet language on a morphological, lexical, syntactical and orthographical level?” In order to answer this question we have analyzed 45 text ex-amples which is brought from two different internet forums, and, forums which are widely used by youths. The analysis has been made on a morphological, lexical, orthographical and syntactical level. We have also another question formulation which is: “How is emoticons used in youth’s internet conversa-tions?” Thereby we also study the use of emoticons in the examples we have analyzed.Our conclusion in this essay is that the youth’s internet language is a language that in many cases should be seen as an own language; it should be seen as an entirely new and unique way of communication. Therefore it should not be placed in any of the cat-egories you use to talk about when it comes to linguistic studies.