The variations in structure and mechanical properties of AA7010 thick plate have been investigated. The studied plate thicknesses were 100-200 mm and the material was overaged and stress relieved. The material studied is frequently used to produce load-carrying airframe components. The focus of this paper is the influence of recrystallisation. The degree of recrystallisation was determined as a function of position in the mid width of the plates by using optical microscopy and image analysis. The crystallographic orientation of recrystallised grains were determined from EBSP maps. Hardness measurements on subgrain areas and on recrystallised grains were done by micro hardness indentations in order to reveal the effect of recrystallisation on yield strength. The fracture toughness at different positions of the plates are discussed in terms of influence from recrystallisation. The paper also discusses the mechanisms behind the recrystallisation and its influence on mechanical properties such as yield strength and fracture toughness. The suggested influence of recrystallisation on the mechanical properties are compared to the influence seen from other parameters such as chemical composition, quench rate, texture, grain size, distribution and sizes of inclusions, dispersoids and ageing precipitates.