In November 2003 I defended my doctoral thesis. The thesis focused on change work in system development (SD) organizations and their practice, in the thesis called meta development. I am now post doc and will be aiming for the next step in my research career. In this paper I will therefore elaborate on my ideas on areas for further research. The research that I will continue to focus on is in line with the thesis, namely Software Process Improvement (SPI). In the thesis I have developed a taxonomy that can be used to describe meta development as a mean to understand and change SD-organizations and their practice. The taxonomy is constituted by three dimensions that puts focus on change actions during change work in different ways: 1) what change actions are/can be performed, what are their granularity and what are their characteristics, 2) relations between change action in terms of divisions and different patterns and finally 3) what, in SD-organizations and their practice, can/ought/should one direct attention towards during an change effort. To argue fore the usefulness of the taxonomy I have also elaborated on four different usage situations for the taxonomy, 1) planning of meta development, 2) self reflection during meta development, 3) reflection after finished meta development and 4) development of concepts for meta development. Based on the above I will in the future continue to focus on SPI and how it is possible to continue to improve SD-organizations, and their practice. This will mainly be done through the four usage situations and with support of the developed taxonomy. This also means that I will continue to develop the taxon-omy to be an even better support for meta development.