Utveckling av en duschstol
2009 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
This thesis covers the development of a shower chair at a concept level. A shower chair, which is also sometimes called a hygiene chair, is a product which facilitates work with patient hygiene.
In cooperation with the company TR Equipment AB, which develops, manufactures and sells products in patient hygiene, the students will develop this concept. The company wants to expand its assortment and its market position and therefore need to develop more products, besides distributors wish that a shower chair is available in the company's assortment.
TR Equipment AB wishes that the intended shower chair can compete with the best-equipped models on the market which has high functional demands on the product. Which features the shower chair will be equipped with and which of the company’s requirements the product must meet is investigated by a competitor analysis and a market research. In the market research a survey is established in which nursing staff, which in their work comes in contact with shower chairs, gives their opinions on what features are necessary for the product.
After investigations, it is established that the requirements the company initially put on the shower chair features are necessary and will be included in the development of the concept.
The work on the concept starts with a concept generation of the shower chair base structure, in other words how the shower chair should be structured to best meet the requirements. The basic concept is determined by meeting with the company and through an eliminating process of the generated concepts. Afterwards, an additional concept generation is executed, this time on solutions for the shower chair features.
The results of the project is a comprehensive concept of a, for both nursing staff and patient, user-friendly and functional shower chair. The concept is based on TR Equipment AB's lifting base which is used in other of the company’s products. This lifting base has been used to provide the shower chair with a lifting function, but also because the company saves money if they can use their existing components for the new product. Some of the shower chair's main functions beyond the lifting feature are that the seat of the chair can be tipped back to a comfortable position for the patient and the support for arm, leg and head can be adjusted to adapt to different individuals. The concept and its features are presented in detail with the help of images and explanatory texts.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2009. , p. 73
Keywords [sv]
TR Equipment AB, Duschstol, Patienthygien, Produktutveckling, Konceptgenerering
URN: urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-9200OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hj-9200DiVA, id: diva2:219746
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2009-06-022009-05-282017-10-26Bibliographically approved