Introduction: The construction industry is a large industry and like all other industries, it must always develop. The development can involve several factors, but within today's construction industry, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a central part of the development. Companies and organizations in Sweden have shown for a long time that there are shortcomings in BIM and its use compared to other countries. There are several reasons for this, but above all the high costs and lack of knowledge about BIM. BIM can facilitate and streamline the construction process and it is something that is not fully utilized, which can make the process slower and less efficient. Communication is a big part of BIM as it facilitates communication, which is one of the biggest problems in the construction industry.Method: The method used to present the theories in the study is semi-structured interviews so that the interviewee has the freedom to design their answers. As well as literature implementation from theoretical frameworks that have been the main data collection method.Results: What the study showed after the conducted interviews and the implementation of literature is that there is a lack of BIM use and digital tools. The shortage exists at different levels in the different municipalities and differs even if the municipalities are roughly the same size when it comes to area and population. Some municipalities have taken the first step towards digitization and have succeeded in that step.Analysis: BIM is a tool that can make it easier for municipalities and companies to work. If they use BIM, it can save time, money and resources. the municipalities know about this and want to use BIM in their work system, but they encounter some problems. They have a lack of trained staff and the economy right now makes it difficult to carry out the process.Discussion: The study shows that BIM is used too little within the municipalityaccording to interviews and literature review. Introducing BIM is expected to make work easier for municipalities, but there are challenges for organizations that want to use BIM and participate in technology development.Keywords: BIM, BIM implementation, Pros and cons of BIM, Preliminary study, Client, digitization within municipal operations and digitization of the building permit process.