The discipline of Digital health is devoted to the accumulation of sociotechnical aspects which includes running digital care programs, healthcare technologies, sharing health related experiences, providing support for the people with chronic diseases and healthcare needs of the society to deliver the healthcare services in an effective manner. This is a special project which is focused on older persons’ health (range 65 to 79 years) in the home setting from the perspectives of design science, information ethics, systems thinking, information technology, and occupational science/therapy. Older people represent a particular community which is very focused on self-care to maintain and enhance health, prevent disease and cope with illness, as well as keep themselves social and participate in their community. However, generally, it is thought that the elderly community is reluctant to adopt new technologies and are seldomly included in the development of new technologies. Therefore, it is relevant to ask: How can emerging technologies support older person’s self-care and social participation? Implementation and use of technology at home is not only important for the older persons and their families, but it also impacts other stakeholders including care personnel, municipal health and social care managers as well as health sector policymakers. Overall, aim of the project is to establish the sustainable process of capturing and describing the self-care requirements and specifications for older people in Sweden and Japan through the development of a digital self-care tool together with older people. Following goals are set for this project: