Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to critically analyse inefficiencies, identify sources ofwaste, and recommend actionable strategies for process improvement of the administrative part of order handling.
Method: This study employed an abductive approach, focusing on a single case study. The DMAI phases of the DMAIC-cycle served as the fundamental framework for the design of thethesis. To address the research questions, a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodswas utilized, complemented by interviews and document analysis as the primary data collectiontechniques. These methods were applied in combination with the theoretical framework toprovide comprehensive insights.
Findings: Four sources of waste are found in this thesis that has led to an inefficient orderhandling process. Two types of automation implementation are recommended to improve theroutine operation of the order-handling process.
Implications: This thesis focuses on the service provider industry's contribution to the orderhandling process. The contribution mainly emphasises the improvement of daily operations and suggestions for automation that could lead to better order-handling performance. Contribute toincreasing the knowledge of order-handling improvement in service provider organisationsthrough LSS implementation.
Limitations: The thesis is a single-case study without a pilot phase, the statisticalgeneralizability is not prevalent. Moreover, it encompasses the service industry in a B2Bsetting.