Introduction: International Labor Organization forecasts an increase of precarious employment conditions. Precarious employment conditions restrict access to services andengagement in daily occupations, namely cause occupational injustices. Daily occupations are crucial for health and well-being and includes everything a person engages in throughout a day. Basic income has been suggested as possible solution for forecasted scenario. Aim: To explore from existing literature if and how BI influences daily occupations. Method: Using scoping review framework, literature was searched through databases PRIMO, Social science database, Scopus ABI/INFORM, CINAHL and AMED. Nine sources of literature wereidentified and included in a qualitative content analysis. Findings: Four main categories: daily survival ensured, another living standard, taking care, and taking part, and outlook for future, revealed influences on daily occupations. Conclusions: Occupational justice might be achieved through basic income, hence have a positive influence on daily occupations. Significance: This study contributes to knowledge about how basic income influences daily occupations. This could be useful for the occupational therapist when working to enable daily occupations and advocate for occupational justice, for the individual in precarious employment conditions and for greater understanding in society. However, more research is needed to understand how basic income influences daily occupations.