Introduction: Participating in family gatherings can provide enjoyment and quality time together as a family. However, being the primary carers, mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder may experience this phenomenon differently. The purpose of this study is to explore how available literature describes mothers' experiences of participation in family gatherings and social events with their children with autism spectrum disorder.
Methods: A scoping review was used to explore available literature and identify studies describing mothers' experiences of family gatherings and social events with their children. A thematic synthesis was performed to analyse and synthesise the findings.
Results: A total of 8 articles were included for review. The analysis of the included studies resulted in one central theme-Negative experiences despite strategies-and four analytical themes: Feeling fear, stress, and anxiety; Avoiding family gatherings; Enjoying less and becoming less confident; and Using strategies.
Conclusion: These findings indicate that mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder experience difficulties during gatherings even when using strategies, hence limiting their participation.