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Transportekonomi: Underlag för prisförhandlingar
Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Industrial Engineering and Management.
Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Industrial Engineering and Management.
2009 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Transport economy : Basis for price negotiations (English)
Abstract [en]

The report addresses four main tasks, situation analysis of the company's total costs and transportation volume, cost analysis associated with the adjustment of the filling ratio, transport costs for the expansion and new expenses on a combination of expansion with new adjusted filling ratio.  Increasing transport costs for the company was the main reason for the request of the current situation analysis. A survey of the total cost with the actual volumes and transport provider pricing is the basis of the analysis that extends from May 2006 to October 2008. The results show an increase in costs, both overall expense and per cubic meter of transported goods. Volume spreads, trends, and seasonal variations are according to our and the company’s expectations. An alternative to respond to the Swedish Work Environment Authority future requirements was to lower the filling of the company's outbound shipments. By reducing the maximum cargo volume to 90 percent better working conditions can be achieved. This could be achieved through heavy items more lightly could be positioned ergonomic. The goal is to find the cost implications of the filling ratio. The approach was to identify the transport history and calculate the cargo that in theory would be affected by a degree of filling adjustment. The amounts of freight shipments filled more than 90 percent were assumed to be "left behind". The sum of cargo multiplied by its specific freight price was the company's costs to be. The consequence of this was that two scenarios were developed: more shipments or larger shipments. It was concluded that a large quantity of shipments were affected, but only a small amount from each shipment, totally 2.4 percent of the goods. The company is planning an expansion of 50 new stores in different regions around the Nordic countries in a few numbers of years. An increased transport need is a natural result and the aim is to identify the new transportation costs. The approach was to study existing stores freight rates against the transport provider. The regions a current expansion cost was based on the average of transported cargo volume and price. The result shows the probable increase in the company's generating costs of an expansion. Major differences among the company's stores in the Nordic countries appear in stores in the north of natural causes, will also become the most expensive to ship goods to. The company may be using the results as an idea of what price they should accept from the transport provider. A combination of expansion with new adjusted filling degree was processed in the report. The result was a new total cost for the company's shipments, which can be seen as an indication of future cost position.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2009. , p. 48
Keywords [sv]
transportekonomi, fyllnadsgrad, transportkostnad
National Category
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
URN: urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-8021OAI:, id: diva2:175099
Available from: 2009-05-04 Created: 2009-02-26 Last updated: 2009-05-04Bibliographically approved

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