This paper investigates observed challenges of disseminating RDI-results from a Strategic Innovation Programme (SIP) in the Swedish built environment sector. The study combines document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and focus group interviews, to increase the understanding of how to better enable sector-wide dissemination of results from SIPs. It is shown how the dissemination of RDI-results is dependent on two preconditions (ambition and capacity), and how clarity of target group(s) in combination with the alignment between RDI-logic and the target group's frame of reference further inhibits or enables dissemination. It is concluded that ensuring these preconditions, and strengthening the alignment is key in improving sector-wide dissemination. However, in this, an inherent paradox must be dealt with in terms of not necessary prioritizing dissemination at the expense of norm-challenging ideas. Given that the overarching goal of SIP is to achieve industry transformation, merely promoting incremental (norm-aligned) change is not enough.