Introduction – To avoid repeating errors in the construction industry is it important to continuously work with experience feedback and knowledge reuse. The effect can eliminate costs and facilitate the daily work. The purpose of the report was to study how the experience feedback and knowledge reuse works in one of the districts in one of Sweden’s largest construction companies. The research investigated what is needed to be reported, and what is necessary for a system for knowledge transfer and reuse.
Method – The report has been a case study with a qualitative approach. The data collection technics have been semi-structured interviews with seven respondents, two observations of design development meetings and document analysis of the organisations management systems.
Results – The respondents do not know if it exists standardized routines for experience feedback and reuse, and feel it works poorly today. The transfer and reuse of experience today goes through oral communication. The post-project review meeting was seen as an important meeting, but the way of managing the protocols today are an “obsolete” method and the placement in time after a project is over was seen as a problem for the effectiveness of the meeting.
Important aspects to reuse in new projects are for instance the information about subcontractors, arrangement of the production and past successes and failures. A proposal to the future was a combination of IT-system and oral communication. How the digital system should look like was diversified by the respondents. Some of the respondents were looking for a database that should include both positive and negative experiences, and another suggestion was that only method choices should be presented. It needs to be a clear structure and responsibility for the digital system, but there was disagreement how the responsibility should be designated. An earlier digital system that have been used and mentioned during the interviews is ”Världens Bästa Byggare (VBB)” that had a big influential of the respondents answers.
Analysis – The analysis compares the results with existing theory. A similarity is that oral communication is the most ordinary way of transferring and reusing experiences in organizations. A difference is that previous research has showed that darkening of personal mistakes can be an obstacle for learning by each other, this is however not supported by this study.
Discussion and conclusions – The method of the study has offered both advantages and disadvantages, but the validity and relevance of the study is still high. The research questions have been answered and discussed. Some conclusions from the study have been that respondents had easier to connect to the word experience feedback rather than knowledge reuse. It is a personal matter of which information that should be reused, and it can be difficult to translate personal experiences into a text benefiting others.
Keywords: Experience feedback, Knowledge management, Knowledge reuse, Knowledge transfer and Tacit knowledge.
2022. , p. 28
Erfarenhetsåterföring, Förflyttning av kunskap, Hantering av kunskap, Tyst kunskap, Återanvändning av kunskap