Recent theoretical contributions at Veilederforum indicate a need to explore and add new theoretical perspectives to career guidance. Ingela Bergmo Prvulovic presents a framework for understanding these needs by addressing conflicting perspectives on career, why these increasingly collide and why learning is increasingly on the agenda.
I en serie artikler på belyses behovet for å utforske og ta i bruk nye teoretiske perspektiver i karriereveiledning. Ingela Bergmo-Prvulovic presenterer en forståelsesramme for dette behovet ved å drøfte motstridende perspektiver på karriere, hvorfor disse i økende grad kolliderer og hvorfor læring oftere er på dagsordenen.
Guest editor Dr. Ingela Bergmo Prvulovic, Ass. Professor in Education at the School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University, Sweden, has processed and edited several theoretical texts, published 2021-2022. The articles are also available in Norwegian.