This case study is set in mid-November 2020. The setting is Jesus College, one of Cambridge University's oldest and most prominent colleges. The protagonist is the [unnamed] College Bursar, effectively the CFO, who reports to the College Council, its governance body. Among the Bursar's responsibilities is advising the Council on the management of the college's endowment fund of GBP178 million, 20% of which is invested in the centrally managed University Endowment Fund. There is growing pressure both within the college and the university to divest from both direct and indirect investments in energy companies engaged in fossil fuel extraction and supply. The Bursar has been tasked with providing guidance on the choices available to the college and the likely consequences which such choices would entail.
Teaching and learning
This item is suitable for undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education courses.
Distributed by The Case Centre ( Case - Reference no. 121-0102-1