Repeated epidemiological studies have been performed in the city of Jonkoping, Sweden, every 10 years since 1973. The studies were initiated in order to describe the changes in oral health in the population. Basic preventive dental care and supplementary programs were extensively performed in the population, especially among children and adolescents. In this population, the percentage of individuals with sound teeth (no caries or restorations) continuously increased each decade. The main finding regarding periodontitis is the significant increase in individuals having no or minimal periodontitis experience. In 2013, 20-60-year-olds had nearly complete dentitions (28 teeth), and the individuals in age groups 70 and 80 years had a mean number of teeth of 23 and 21, respectively. Edentulous individuals having complete dentures in the age groups 40-70 years decreased from approximately every sixth individual in 1973 to none in 2013. The continuous improvement in oral health and the reduced need for restorative treatment will have an impact on dental health-care and dental delivery systems in the near future.