In the world of leadership, one can be sure of continues changes in the work environment. Human interactions are more commonly mediated by Information Communication Technology (ICT) which has required significant changes in the leadership approach. While the goals and objectives are the same in traditional leadership, the rapid growth of digitalization and globalization has brought an "E" into the leadership. The "E" describes the new medium being used while the practice of leadership continue to deal with the traditional issues of vision, direction, motivation, inspiration, trust, etc. Therefore, in this thesis, the aim is to understand the processes through which individuals make the transition to e-leadership while adopting ICT. An exploratory, qualitative research design was chosen. Interviews of five e-leaders were conducted and the data was collected, coded and categorized into subthemes and main themes. The findings build on the work of Bridges (1991) and contributes to it by providing new elements to the transition process. These added elements are phases that the leaders must go through in the transition process to e-leadership. The finding suggests a virtual transition model based on Bridges transition model, consisting of (1) The Ending, (2) Mindfulness, (3) Internal sensemaking, (4) Purposeful practice, (5) Rebirth, (6) New beginning. These findings contribute to the research in the field of e-leadership by presenting a new model to explain the transition process and to better understand how to manage the transition.