Sexual health is an important but often neglected field in health and welfare practice. Using structured documentation in a systematic work process can promote sexual health care including rehabilitation. Objectives: To present an overview of the usefulness of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI) concerning sexual health in the care process, in the electronic health record (EHR) and for follow-up of results. Using experience from practice and research to identify relevant information in health care processes related to sexual health, which are coded by using ICF and ICHI. The ICF and ICHI can be useful tools to describe functioning, patient's goals, results, planned and performed interventions for investigation, treatment, prevention, and follow-up at individual level in care processes concerning sexual health with unified and unambiguous terms, concepts, and codes in the EHR. Using the ICF and ICHI can support improvement of individual sexual health care including rehabilitation, and also support follow-up and quality management at local to global level within the domain of sexual health.