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Expanding the building system into a product platform for improved design and manufacture – A case study in industrialised house-building
Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Industrial Product Development, Production and Design, JTH, Product design and development (PDD).ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2239-973X
Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Civil Engineering and Lighting Science.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6619-7489
Jönköping University, School of Engineering, JTH, Industrial Product Development, Production and Design.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3677-8311
2020 (English)In: SPS2020: Proceedings of the Swedish Production Symposium, October 7–8, 2020 / [ed] K. Säfsten & F. Elgh, Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2020, p. 346-357Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Sustainable development
Sustainable Development
Abstract [en]

Industrialised house builders in Sweden have been challenged to meet the demand for housing solutions as the population has increased at a faster rate. As a result, the housing industry is currently faced with objectives to improve productivity and internal efficiency while also controlling the production cost of houses without compromising external efficiency. To remain competitive, many companies developed own building system (BS) based on fixed or partially fixed production systems with different prefabrication techniques. The challenges remain in the design phase and proper methods and tools are required to manage it. In many industries, the product platform approach has been used as a means to achieve both internal and external efficiency. However, little attention has been paid in relating the platform approach to building system support in the design phase of Industrialised house building (IHB). Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to explore the current state of the industrialised house building system and outline design support solutions for the building system from a product platform approach. Qualitative research was conducted by linking a single case company working with post and beam building system in combination with a literature review. Empirical data were gathered from five semi-structured interviews and two workshop sections. A cause-effect analysis has been conducted to realize the potential causes of challenges in the design process. The result illustrates a methodology with principle solutions that can be used as design support for the case company as a path forward and improve further from a product platform perspective.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2020. p. 346-357
Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, ISSN 2352-751X, E-ISSN 2352-7528 ; 13
Keywords [en]
Industrialised house building, Building system, Product platform, Design phase, Support method
National Category
Building Technologies
URN: urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-48264DOI: 10.3233/ATDE200172Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85098639964ISBN: 978-1-64368-146-7 (print)ISBN: 978-1-64368-147-4 (electronic)OAI:, id: diva2:1428221
9th Swedish Production Symposium, SPS 2020, 21-24 April, 2020, Jönköping, Sweden

The symposium was held online on 7 & 8 October 2020 because of restrictions due to the Corona virus pandemic. Included in thesis in manuscript form.

Available from: 2020-05-05 Created: 2020-05-05 Last updated: 2023-02-14Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Supporting the design phase of industrialised house building using a product platform approach: A case study of a timber based post and beam building system
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Supporting the design phase of industrialised house building using a product platform approach: A case study of a timber based post and beam building system
2020 (English)Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

In recent years, industrialised house building has gained shares on the Swedish house building market. The market demands for industrialised house building are exceeding the available supply of housing and experiencing a substantial increase in the housing production costs. For industrialised house building, the design has been identified as a critical phase with the systematization of the design a necessary part of industrialisation. Therefore, companies strive towards the inclusion of standardization and controlled processes in the design phase. Product platforms have proved to be related to the standardization of processes and products. Introducing a product platform approach in the design phase of house building could be a way to improve the design and ensure value creation in entire processes. Thus, the aim of this research is to outline means to support and improve the design phase of industrialised house building by using a product platform approach.

A Swedish multi-storey house building company that uses glulam post and beam building system with a focus on platform development was used as the single case study in this research. The company intends to achieve increased efficiency by moving towards industrialized approaches. Empirical data were mainly gathered from interviews, observations, workshops, and document analysis. The findings present the existing challenges in the housing building industry and outlines twenty critical success factors that need to be considered in the design phase. Also, the result outlines support methods and tools that can be used for the improvement of the design phase when applying a product platform approach. Moreover, a flexible product platform can be developed with the support of parametric modelling and used to design building components having an engineer-to-order characteristic. Finally, the results show that a building system can be considered as part of a product platform in light of the necessity of an adequate support in the design process to maintain a sustainable platform. Thus, the contribution includes the addition of knowledge to platform theory in general and its application on the design phase of industrialised house building.

Abstract [sv]

Under de senaste åren har det industriella husbyggandet tagit andelar på den svenska husbyggnadsmarknaden. Behovet av bostäder på marknaden överstiger tillgången och med ökning av bostadsproduktionskostnaderna som konsekvens. För det industriella husbyggandet har projekteringen identifierats som en avgörande fas och dess systematisering är en nödvändig för industrialiseringen. Som en följd strävar företag i segmentet efter att inkludera standardisering och kontrollerade processer i projekteringen. Produktplattformar har kunnat kopplas till standardisering av processer och produkter. Införandet av produktplattformar i projekteringen kan vara ett sätt att förbättra designen och säkra värdeskapandet igenom hela processen. Således är syftet i denna avhandling att ta fram medel för att stödja och förbättra projekteringen för industriellt husbyggande genom att tillämpa en ansats med produktplattformar.

Ett svenskt byggnadsföretag med flera våningar som använder limträ- och balksystem med fokus på plattformsutveckling användes som en enda fallstudie i denna forskning. En fallstudie har genomförts på ett företag som bygger flervåningshus med ett pelar-balksystem i limträ med fokus på plattformsutveckling. Företaget har ambitionen att nå högre effektivitet genom att röra sig mot ett mer industriellt tillvägagångssätt. Data samlades in från intervjuer, observationer, workshops och dokumentanalyser. Resultaten visar vilka de befintliga utmaningarna är för husbyggandet och presenterar tjugo kritiska framgångsfaktorer som ska beaktas i projekteringen. Studien har även tagit fram supportmetoder och verktyg som kan användas för att förbättra projekteringen vid tillämpning av produktplattformar. Vidare, en flexibel produktplattform kan utvecklas med stöd av parametrisk modellering och användas för att projektera byggnads-komponenter med engineer-to-orderegenskaper. Slutligen, resultaten pekar mot att ett byggsystem kan betraktas som en del av en produktplattform ur perspektivet att tillräckligt med stöd i projekteringen krävs för att underhålla en hållbar plattform. Således, arbetet har bidragit med kunskap till teori om plattformar i allmänhet och dess tillämpning på projekteringen för industriellt husbyggande.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering, 2020. p. 67
JTH Dissertation Series ; 053
Industrialised house building, Product platform, Design support, Building system, Post and beam, Glulam, Industriellt husbyggande, Produktplattformar, Designstöd, Byggsystem, Pelar-balksystem, Limträ
National Category
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-48266 (URN)978-91-87289-56-9 (ISBN)
2020-05-28, da Vinci (E4106) / via Zoom, 14:00 (English)
Available from: 2020-05-05 Created: 2020-05-05 Last updated: 2020-12-22Bibliographically approved
2. A product platform approach to support the design phase of industrialised house building: A framework conceptualisation when using mixed production strategies
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A product platform approach to support the design phase of industrialised house building: A framework conceptualisation when using mixed production strategies
2023 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

The ability to offer unique solutions that meet customer demands has been considered a competitive advantage in the industrialised house building (IHB) industry. However, IHB companies are struggling due to varying customer needs and the simultaneous need to fulfil legal regulations, market demands, and production constraints. This has forced companies to develop unique solutions for every housing project to satisfy individual requirements, which automatically drives them to follow an engineer-to-order (ETO)-based strategy. The high involvement of customers in the design process results in the need for considerable engineering activities to validate and adjust to the customer demands, thereby providing individualised solutions. Moreover, designers adopt different production strategies based on the degree of pre-engineering. Product platform approaches have been acknowledged as one of the prominent means to improve both internal and external efficiencies. However, the use of traditional platform-based strategies does not suffice for the design of ETO-based components in an IHB system. A systematic approach is required to align the product platform and different production strategies so that customer requirements can be easily managed. Thus, this research aims to outline the means to support the design phase of IHB by applying a product platform approach when using a mixed production strategy.

A Swedish multi-storey house building company that uses a glulam-based post and beam building system was used as the main case in this research. Empirical data were collected mainly from interviews, observations, workshops, and document analysis. This research proposes a framework for the systematic development and use of the product platform by following an inductive approach. Further, a parametric design platform method is proposed to achieve a platform-based development for ETO-based components by identifying, formalising, and reusing the design assets. The findings reveal how the transition of production strategies can be managed with supporting tools and methods. Moreover, this thesis emphasizes the importance of adopting the design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA) in IHB. In addition, the research contributes to the existing knowledge on product platforms in IHB by providing the context of mixed production strategies and best practices to improve the IHB design process.

Abstract [sv]

Förmågan att erbjuda unika lösningar som möter kundernas krav har ansetts vara en konkurrensfördel inom industriellt husbyggande (IHB). Dock, utmaningen för IHB-företag handlar om att kunna balansera varierande kundbehov med behovet att uppfylla juridiska regler, marknadskrav och produktionsbegränsningar. Följden är att företag har tvingats att utveckla unika lösningar för varje nytt bostadsprojekt för att därigenom tillgodose individuella krav, vilket automatiskt driver dem till att följa en Engineer-toorder (ETO)-baserad strategi. Kundernas engagemang i projekteringsprocessen kräver ingenjörsmässiga aktiviteter för att bekräfta och anpassa sig till kraven och erbjuda kundunika lösningar. Dessutom,beroende på nivån av förprojektering antar projektörerna olika produktionsstrategier. Produktplattformar har accepterats som ett sätt för att förbättra både intern och extern effektivitet. Användningen av traditionella plattformsbaserade strategier räcker dock inte för framtagning av ETO-baserade komponenter i ett industriellt byggsystem. Det krävs ett systematiskt tillvägagångssätt för att anpassa produktplattformen och de olika produktionsstrategierna så att kundernas krav kan hanteras. Därför syftar denna avhandling till att bestämma de resurser som krävs för att stödja projekteringsfasen av IHB genom att tillämpa produktplattformar när en mixad produktionsstrategi tillämpas.

Ett svenskt industriellt husföretag med flervåningshus som använder ett limträbaserat pelar-balkbyggsystem har varit huvudfall. Empiriska data har samlats in från intervjuer, observationer, workshops och dokumentanalyser. Resultaten tar fram ett ramverk för systematisk utveckling och användning av produktplattformar genom att följa ett induktivt tillvägagångssätt. Vidare föreslås en parametrisk designplattformsmetod för att uppnå en plattformsbaserad utveckling för ETO-baserade komponenter genom att identifiera, formalisera och återanvända tillgångarna från projekteringen. Resultaten visar hur övergången av produktionsstrategier kan hanteras med stödjande verktyg och metoder. Dessutom betonar denna avhandling vikten av att anta design för tillverkning och montering (DfMA) inom IHB. Forskningen bidrar också till den befintliga kunskapsbasen om produktplattformar inom IHB i kontexten med blandade produktionsstrategier och best pratice för att förbättra projekteringsprocessen inom IHB.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Jönköping: School of Engineering, Jönköping University, 2023. p. 75
JTH Dissertation Series ; 074
Industrialised house building, product platform, design platform, engineer-to-order, design for manufacturing and assembly, Industriellt husbyggande, produktplattform, designplattformar, engineer-to-order, design för tillverkning och montering
National Category
Building Technologies
urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-59820 (URN)978-91-87289-80-4 (ISBN)978-91-87289-81-1 (ISBN)
Public defence
2023-03-17, Gjuterisalen (E1405), School of Engineering, Jönköping, 10:00 (English)
Available from: 2023-02-14 Created: 2023-02-14 Last updated: 2023-02-14Bibliographically approved

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Thajudeen, ShamnathLennartsson, MartinElgh, Fredrik

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Thajudeen, ShamnathLennartsson, MartinElgh, Fredrik
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