At the intersection between industrial relations and corporate governance - i.e. board level worker representation - this paper attempts to bridge four perspectives from the industrial relations literature (unitary, pluralist, radical and egoist) by observing changes in board director perceptions over time. Empirically, a longitudinal survey (1994-2014), filled out by both shareholder- and worker-elected directors in the largest listed Swedish corporations, is utilized to map differences and similarities between the two director populations regarding ‘perception of responsibility’, ‘governance efficiency’ and ‘board norms’. The findings indicate that some of the different industrial relations perspectives are relevant for understanding worker representation on corporate boards at different times and in different populations. Specifically, we observe that shareholder-elected directors become more financialized in their perceptions over time, whereas worker-elected directors remain more stakeholder-oriented, while to a growing extent acknowledging the interest of the controlling shareholders. Thus, the paper contributes to the industrial relations literature by linking perspectives on industrial relations, often understood as incommensurable, by considering a longitudinal development in perceptions among relevant actors.