The purpose of the study is to investigate how the lighting situation and the urbanenvironment affect various crime sites for violent crime in Jönköping. By analyzing lightingand the urban environment, a closer understanding is created as to whether the crime scenehas been illuminated, and how the urban space is experienced. The aim of the study is tolook at common denominators between the different crime sites and between the crimesites and experienced safe places.The study was conducted through observations at each crime scene. The crime sites wereanalyzed using the methods Percifal, “Branzell-analysis” and the “Alingsås method”. Theobservations occurred in the evening as close to the time of the actual crime as possible,so that the light conditions during the observations, should be equal to the light conditionswhen the crime occurred. All crime scenes had illumination, some places were lighter andother darker. The result of the study suggested that violent crimes, in particular, robberyare affected by the light conditions prevailing. No connections were found between assaultcases and the lighting or assault cases and the urban environment.