Exploring and revealing relations between the elements is a fre-quent task in exploratory analysis and search. Examples includethat of correlations of attributes in complex data sets, or facetedsearch. Common visual representations for such relations are di-rected graphs or correlation matrices. These types of visual encod-ings are often - if not always - fully constructed before being shownto the user. This can be thought of as a top-down approach, whereusers are presented with a full picture for them to interpret andunderstand. Such a way of presenting data could lead to a visualoverload, specially when it results in complex graphs with highdegrees of nodes and edges. We propose a bottom-up alternativecalled Billiard where few elements are presented at rst and fromwhich a user can interactively construct the rest based on whats/he nds of interest. The concept is based on a billiard metaphorwhere a cue ball (node) has an eect on other elements (associatednodes) when stroke against them.