In this study is microbreweries based in Sweden are compared to understand how they are working with their social media and if this affect the relationship with their customers. The study also tries to understand if social media could be a tool for a new company in the business when trying to develop a new brand. The idea of the study is to let new companies in the business get an idea of how competitors are working with their social media and what they can learn from those to get a good start of their new microbrewery. In the study there have been comparisons of previous research in the area of branding and visual profiling through literature studies. In order to understand this 10 Swedish microbreweries were reviewed through the method Small-N-Study. There were also three different interviews held with microbreweries who are using social media on a daily basis. The interviews were held in order to get a deeper understanding on how they are working with their social media. As a result of these studies new companies will get a good idea of how similar companies are working in the area. Through the result of the study, we can see that many companies are working in similar ways with their social media. By comparing the similarities, but also the differences, recommendations could be given for new companies to gain knowledge from. All to get a better understanding when it comes to how to work and reach out to people though social media. The credibility of the study could be challenged since the study doesn’t contain that many study objects. There were only one product that were reviewed per company and the study only compared the social media Facebook and Instagram to each other. There could’ve been another result if more microbreweries would’ve been compared to each other. There were a few limitations which led to that the study couldn’t be done in a larger scale containing more companies in the business. A few of the largest limitations were the amount of time that the study had available and that there only were one writer on the study.