This study explored two central questions at issue. The first assessed whether or not there are any differences between genders when it comes to adolescents who self-harm. The other examines the most common causes as to why adolescents self-harm. The study was conducted in two smaller communities through eight semi-structured interviews directed at counselors at junior high schools and high schools. The result of the study is presented through a thematic analysis where four themes regarding self-harm were discovered; gender differences, methods, causes and social influence being a risk factor for a continuing self-harm behaviour. The themes found that there are differences between the genders, especially when it comes to how individuals talk about feelings and how they express their bad feelings. It also showed the causes that are most common when it comes to developing self-harm behaviours as well as how individuals can be socially influenced by friends and through the internet. The results were analysed through previous research and also through two theories. Considering the questions at issue the gender theory and social constructivism were chosen.