This article overviews a new teaching method from COVID-19. It uses multimedia resources andmore traditional classroom activities together. The course focuses on the benefits of using online parts of hybridlearning in addition to in-person instruction. The benefits of such learning include more opportunities forcontact with classmates, participation in the educational process, greater leeway in time management, andinteractive education. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the new pedagogical approach thathas emerged in the wake of COVID-19, which has prompted a significant number of educational institutions toadopt a particular model due to the adaptability of its schedule and the way students are instructed, in addition tothe increased connection and engagement that it fosters between students and teachers. Students who cannotattend class physically can still study thanks to a new hybrid learning method. In addition, students who cannotparticipate in a traditional classroom setting due to health reasons may have more significant opportunities toparticipate in hybrid learning.