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VVIS-stationer som ersättningsunderlag vid vinterväghållning
Högskolan i Jönköping, Tekniska Högskolan, JTH, Byggnadsteknik.
2009 (Svenska)Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (yrkesexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
Abstract [en]

This final year project is about the relationship between Vägverket, Swedish road authority, and the contractors involved in maintenance and service of roads. The contractor, in this case Svevia Vetlanda, is not satisfied with the system provided by Vägverket. The system is called RWIS and is to aid all the contractors around Sweden. RWIS is showing the weather conditions on the roads at approximately 770 different places. The system supports the contractors to decide if they should take action such as ploughing and ice dissolving of roads. Vägverket uses RWIS as an information system as well as basis for payment. The authority is very clear on that the contractors only should see RWIS as an aid. But they are themselves using it as their basis for compensation, this contradiction is the backbone of this project.The RWIS-stations are not always showing right values that are well known, butlately it has been showing consistently wrong values. This report holds evidence that the measuring stations are not always correct in measuring but they are then corrected by a system called MESAN. How this combination works and why this combination exists are some of the questions the contractors want answers on.The contractors are also wondering how Vägverket is managing and calibratingthe stations. When, how and how often is this done?During the interviews it occurred to me that they are going to replace the oldmodel of compensation with a new one. The differences between these are that the contractors are going to get paid for every kilometre ploughed instead as of now, getting paid if the systems encounter certain weather conditions.My conclusion is that the combination of RWIS and MESAN is reliable enoughto be trusted as a base for payment. But the problems with that the stations not showing the right conditions still remain. To prevent this from happening the contractor should demand a checklist from Vägverket that service andmaintenance is done.I agree with Vägverket that RWIS is not an accurate science, but at the same time use it as basis for payment is a big contradiction. Using MESAN is an upgrade but there is no other source that measures temperature. This means that the data from RWIS directly affect the payment.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
2009. , s. 30
Nyckelord [sv]
VVIS, MESAN, Drift & underhåll, Vinterväghållning, Ersättningsmodell, Vädersituationer
Nationell ämneskategori
Annan samhällsbyggnadsteknik
URN: urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-9566OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hj-9566DiVA, id: diva2:224438
Ämne / kurs
JTH, Byggnadsteknik; JTH, Byggnadsteknik
Tillgänglig från: 2009-06-18 Skapad: 2009-06-18 Senast uppdaterad: 2013-05-15Bibliografiskt granskad

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