The section for volume, flow and temperature at SP Technical Research
Institute of Sweden performs measurements of volume, flow and temperature
in liquids.
Flow meters are best calibrated in its installation to take sources of error like
installation effects and the medium into account. If this can be done without
having to place measurement equipment inside the pipe it will mean several
practical benefits.
Since many years, clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters have been available on the
market. But even with today’s improvements they still have a measurement
uncertainty in the measurements that is five to ten times too big to make them
useful as references for calibration procedures.
This thesis focuses on analysis, using reversed engineering, of an existing
clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter.
The goal of the project is evaluation and further development of the ultrasonic
flow meter’s existing computer interface with the purpose of offering the
option of using Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic for data acquisition and
measurement of the flow rate of liquids.
2007. , s. 43