Get to know your breasts: A market research concerning AWARE Breast self-examination pad
2005 (Engelska)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hp
Abstract [en]
Background and problem: During the last decade people have become increasingly aware of their health which has led to the establishment of a new market: Over-the-counter test. These tests enable a consumer to individually monitor and examine their health. A decease where such a test could have a large impact is breast cancer. The Breast self-examination pad AWARE has provided women with an opportunity to prevent the course of the decease to reach beyond treatable. This product is shortly made available to the majority of Swedish women. At present there has been no research conducted in Sweden regarding what women think about such a product.
Purpose: The purpose of this research thesis is to identify which factors to emphasize in the advertising of AWARE
Frame of reference: In this section theories regarding consumer behavior are presented. The chapter in concluded by the creation of a model which aids the fulfillment of the purpose.
Method: In order to accomplish the fulfillment the purpose a quantitative method has been utilized. The data collection constitutes of a market research in the Jönköping region where 354 female respondents were included.
Conclusion: The result presents to which degree the specific factors are important to enhance in the advertising of AWARE. The authors reached the conclusion that the Psychological factor is of highest importance.
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2005. , s. 61
Emneord [en]
AWARE, female consumer behavior, market research, factor
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-109OAI:, id: diva2:3530