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Cura, F., Karahal, B. & Karagöz, H. D. (2022). Competitive analysis of Turkey's polypropylene import market. International Journal of Commerce, Industry and Entrepreneurship Studies (UTISGAD), 2(1)
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Competitive analysis of Turkey's polypropylene import market
2022 (Engelska)Ingår i: International Journal of Commerce, Industry and Entrepreneurship Studies (UTISGAD), E-ISSN 2791-6987, Vol. 2, nr 1Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [en]

The purpose of the study is to reveal possible trade partners of Turkey's polypropylene imports through competitive analysis. Polypropylene, a basic raw material, is used extensively in many sectors. Turkey stands out as the largest importer after China in world polypropylene market. Additionally, Turkey's rapidly growing automotive, construction and plastics industries lead to a continuous increase in the demand for polypropylene products, which makes it necessary to address the issue. In this direction, the world polypropylene industry has been examined within the scope of international trade data and the global competition analysis of Turkey's polypropylene imports has been revealed by the target market matrix method. Respectively, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and South Korea are the countries from which Turkey imports mostly. However, according to the results of the analysis, the Russia and India were included as the primary target countries for Turkish importers and Turkish market should be seen as an opportunity for global polypropylene exporters and investors. There are very limited studies in the selection of target markets for imports. Therefore, this study will contribute to the literature as the first polypropylene import market analysis.

Competitive analysis, international trade, polypropylene market, Turkey's import
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-63799 (URN)
Tillgänglig från: 2024-03-11 Skapad: 2024-03-11 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-03-11Bibliografiskt granskad
Çizmeci̇oğlu, S. & Cura, F. (2022). Consumers White Automobile Purchase Behavior: Turkey Automobile Market Application With SWARA Method. Erciyes University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (61), 43-64
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Consumers White Automobile Purchase Behavior: Turkey Automobile Market Application With SWARA Method
2022 (Engelska)Ingår i: Erciyes University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, ISSN 1301-3688, nr 61, s. 43-64Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [en]

The automobile industry is one of the leading commercial markets around the world. In this enormous market, countries, companies, and manufacturers compete boldly to increase their international market shares. In this great competition, there are centuries old giant companies such as Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen, Opel, as well as new automobile brands such as Tesla, Renovo, Tritonev. Turkey is one of the significant markets where these brands are competing fiercely. When this market is analyzed, one preference of Turkish consumers draws much attention. This is the color preferences of automobile purchasers. Considering the sales figures of the previous years, white automobile sales are above 50% rate regardless of brand and model. The objective of this study investigated why Turkish automobile consumers prefer white automobile color. In this study, the SWARA method, one of the MCDM method is used to analyze consumers white automobile preferences. The findings of the study show that aesthetic perceptions are significant in purchasing white automobiles. The results of the study allow us to draw implications for the white automobile purchasing behavior for the global automobile market in the concept of international marketing.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Erciyes University, 2022
SWARA, Consumer Behavior, Automobile Industry, International Marketing
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-63796 (URN)10.18070/erciyesiibd.918762 (DOI)
Tillgänglig från: 2024-03-11 Skapad: 2024-03-11 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-03-11Bibliografiskt granskad
Küçükçolak, G. & Cura, F. (2022). Dahi̇lde işleme reji̇mi̇ uygulamalarinin ihracat performansina etki̇si̇: Konya İli̇nde bi̇r araştirma [The Effect of Inward Processing Regime Applications on Export Performance: A Research in Konya Region]. EKEV Akademi Dergisi, 26(90), 205-224
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Dahi̇lde işleme reji̇mi̇ uygulamalarinin ihracat performansina etki̇si̇: Konya İli̇nde bi̇r araştirma [The Effect of Inward Processing Regime Applications on Export Performance: A Research in Konya Region]
2022 (Turkiska)Ingår i: EKEV Akademi Dergisi, ISSN 1301-6229, Vol. 26, nr 90, s. 205-224Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [tr]

Dünya genelinde ülkelerin ortak hedefi uluslararası pazar alanlarından daha fazla pay alarak gelirlerini artırmaya yöneliktir. Bu sebeple, günümüz dünyasında ülkeler, ihracat oranlarını arttırmak için ihracata konu uygulama ve politikalara önem vermektedir. 1996 yılından itibaren Türkiye’de uygulamaya konulan Dahilde İşleme Rejimi (DİR); ihracat faaliyeti gösteren işletmelere, ihracatını yapacakları malın üretiminde kullanacakları hammadde ve ara malların vergilerden muaf tutularak dünya piyasa fiyatlarından ithalatını yapabilmelerine olanak sağlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışmanın ana hedefi, ihracata dayalı ekonomik büyüme noktasında önem arz eden dahilde işleme rejiminin ve genel anlamda ihracat desteklerinin firmaların ihracat performanslarına etkisinin ne olduğunun incelenmesidir. Konya ilinde faaliyet gösteren ve dahilde işleme rejimi uygulamasından yararlanan ve yararlanmayan işletmeler ile 2021 yılında anket yolu ile veriler toplanarak, gerekli istatistiksel analizler yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular neticesinde, dahilde işleme rejimi uygulayan ve uygulamayan firmaların ihracat performansları arasında istatistiki bakımdan anlamlı düzeyde farklılık olduğu, firmaların ihracat desteklerinden yararlanma düzeylerinin ihracat performanslarını pozitif yönde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Dahilde işleme rejimini yüksek veya çok yüksek düzeyde uygulan firmaların ihracat performanslarının dahilde işleme rejimi uygulamayan firmaların ihracat performansına göre daha yüksek düzeyde olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Ancak, firmaların DİR uygulamalarından yararlanma düzeyleri, DİR’in firma faaliyetlerine etki düzeyleri ve hammadde ithalat nedenlerinin firmaların ihracat performanslarına anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığı da ortaya konulmuştur. </p>

Abstract [en]

The common goal of countries around the world is to increase their income by taking a larger share from international markets. For this reason, in today's world, countries give importance to export-related practices and policies in order to increase their export rates. Inward Processing Regime (IPR), which has been implemented in Turkey since 1996; It enables firms operating in export activities to import raw materials and intermediate goods to be used in the production of the goods to be exported at world market prices by exempting them from taxes. In this context, the main objective of the study is to examine the effect of the Inward Processing Regime, which is important at the point of export-based economic growth, and in general, the effect of export supports on the export performance of companies. Data were collected in the year 2021 through questionnaires with businesses operating in Konya and both benefiting and not benefiting from the Inward Processing Regime application, and statistical analyzes were made. As a result of the findings, it has been determined that there is a statistically significant difference between the export performances of the firms that apply and do not apply the Inward Processing Regime; and the level of benefiting from the export supports of the firms positively affects their export performance. It has been concluded that the export performance of the firms that apply the Inward Processing Regime at a high or very high level is at a higher level than the export performance of the firms that do not apply the Inward Processing Regime. However, it has also been revealed that the reasons of importing raw materials, level of benefiting from IPR applications and the level of effect of IPR on firm activities do not have a significant effect on the export performance.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Erzurum Kültür Eğitim Vakfı, 2022
Inward processing regime, Export incentives, Export, Import, Export performance, Dahilde işleme rejimi, İhracat destekleri, İhracat, İthalat, İhracat performansı.
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-63798 (URN)
Tillgänglig från: 2024-03-11 Skapad: 2024-03-11 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-04-05Bibliografiskt granskad
Cura, F. & Selek, A. (2022). Marka Bilinirliğinin İhracat Performansına Etkisi: Konya İlinde Bir Uygulama [The Effect of Brand Awareness on Export Performance: An Application in Konya Province]. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11(3), 1192-1204
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Marka Bilinirliğinin İhracat Performansına Etkisi: Konya İlinde Bir Uygulama [The Effect of Brand Awareness on Export Performance: An Application in Konya Province]
2022 (Turkiska)Ingår i: MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, ISSN 1694-7215, Vol. 11, nr 3, s. 1192-1204Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [tr]

Günümüzde değişen teknoloji ve artan rekabet ortamı ile ürünlerin kolay satılması durumu ortadan kalkmıştır. Artık markanın müşterinin zihninde yer etmesini sağlamak ve müşteri sadakati oluşturmak önemli hale gelmiştir. İşletmeler için sadece ulusal anlamda marka olmak yeterli gelmemekte, markasını uluslararası anlamda da tanınır hale getirmek önem arz etmektedir. Bunun yanında, işletmeler ürünlerini uluslararası pazarlara sunmadan önce rekabet edebilecekleri pazarları seçmeli ve o pazarlara nüfus ederek ihracat performanslarını arttırmayı hedeflemek durumundadırlar. Bu çalışma ile amaçlanan, işletmelerin marka bilinirlik düzeylerinin ihracat performansları üzerinde etkisinin tespit edilmesidir. Araştırmanın alt amacı ise söz konusu işletmelerin ihracat yeteneklerinin ihracat performansları üzerinde etkisinin olup olmadığının ortaya konulmasıdır. Bu doğrultuda marka bilinirliğinin ihracat performansına olan etkisini belirlemek için Konya ilinde tarım makineleri sektöründe faaliyet gösteren işletmeleri kapsayan örneklem kullanılarak nicel bir araştırma, uygulamalı olarak tasarlanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda çalışmaya konu olan işletmelerin marka bilinirliklerinin ihracat performansı üzerinde pozitif ve anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca işletmelerin ihracat yeteneklerinden olan ihracat bağlılığının ihracat performansını arttığı ancak çalışanların bilgi ve deneyim düzeylerinin, firmaların ihracat deneyimlerinin ve pazar bilgilerinin ihracat performansı üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığı ortaya konulmuştur.

Abstract [en]

Today, with the changing technology and increasing competition, the easy sale of products has disappeared. Now it has become important to place the brand in the mind of the customer and to create customer loyalty. Being a national brand is not enough for firms, it is important to make the brand known internationally. In addition, firms must first select the international markets in which they can compete and aim to increase their export performance by penetrating those markets. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the brand awareness levels of the firms on their export performance. The sub-purpose of the research is to reveal whether the export capabilities of firms have an effect on their export performance. In this direction, a quantitative research was designed by using a sample covering the firms operating in the agricultural machinery sector in Konya region in order to determine the effect of brand awareness on export performance. In line with the findings, it has been determined that the brand awareness of the firms that are subject of the study has a clear and valid effect on export performance. In addition, it has been revealed that the export commitment, which is one of the export capabilities of the firms, increases the export performance, however the expertise and practice levels of the employees, the export experience of the firms and the market information do not have a convincing effect on the export performance.

Brand, International Brand Awareness, Export, Export Performance, Export Capabilities, marka, uluslararası marka bilinirliği, ihracat, ihracat performansı
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-63795 (URN)10.33206/mjss.1029832 (DOI)
Tillgänglig från: 2024-03-11 Skapad: 2024-03-11 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-03-11Bibliografiskt granskad
Cura, F. & Demir, S. (2022). Possible impacts of the European Green Deal on Turkey's logistics industry. In: W. Kersten, C. Jahn, T. Blecker & C. M. Ringle (Ed.), Changing tides: the new role of resilience and sustainability in logistics and supply chain management: innovative approaches for the shift to a new era. Paper presented at Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL 2022), 21-23 September, 2022 (pp. 825-839). Berlin: epubli
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Possible impacts of the European Green Deal on Turkey's logistics industry
2022 (Engelska)Ingår i: Changing tides: the new role of resilience and sustainability in logistics and supply chain management: innovative approaches for the shift to a new era / [ed] W. Kersten, C. Jahn, T. Blecker & C. M. Ringle, Berlin: epubli , 2022, s. 825-839Konferensbidrag, Publicerat paper (Refereegranskat)
Abstract [en]

Purpose: The concept of the Green Deal is one of the important roadmaps adopted to build a more livable world against the climate crisis and make the current system cleaner and more sustainable. Businesses in the EU are subject to sustainability rules required by the Green Deal. Since Turkey is a signatory power to the agreement, the Turkish companies are also hinged on to the Green Deal. The logistics sector emerges as one of the priority areas on this matter. In this sense, Turkey has also prepared a 'Green Deal Action Plan' to adapt to the new situation. In this study, Turkey's competencies in international logistics will be evaluated, and the compatibility of the planned actions with the green deal process will be discussed.

Methodology: This research is conducted to review literature from recent journals, governments reports, and the World Bank’s logistics performance index (LPI) to draw out secondary data that helped analyze the drivers of the EU's green deal practices and the challenges faced by Turkey's logistics industry in implementing them.

Findings: Turkey's competencies in international logistics and action plans to comply with the Green Deal are examined.

Originality: This study is novel in examining Turkey’s logistics compatibility with EU’s Green Deal rules.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Berlin: epubli, 2022
Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) ; 33
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-62521 (URN)10.15480/882.4697 (DOI)9783756541959 (ISBN)
Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL 2022), 21-23 September, 2022
Tillgänglig från: 2023-09-22 Skapad: 2023-09-22 Senast uppdaterad: 2023-09-22Bibliografiskt granskad
Gultekin, B., Demir, S., Gunduz, M. A., Cura, F. & Ozer, L. (2022). The logistics service providers during the COVID-19 pandemic: The prominence and the cause-effect structure of uncertainties and risks. Computers & industrial engineering, 165, Article ID 107950.
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>The logistics service providers during the COVID-19 pandemic: The prominence and the cause-effect structure of uncertainties and risks
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2022 (Engelska)Ingår i: Computers & industrial engineering, ISSN 0360-8352, E-ISSN 1879-0550, Vol. 165, artikel-id 107950Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [en]

Uncertainties and risks play a central role in creating vulnerabilities for logistics service operations. Over the years, Logistic Service Providers (LSPs) have learned how to ensure resilience to confront uncertainties and risks triggered by adverse events. However, quite unlike any seen in recent times, the COVID-19 pandemic brings about unavoidable uncertainties and risks for the logistics industry. Yet, there is no common approach to contextualize how they interact together. We incorporate an empirical research design and make a threefold contribution: first, we identify uncertainties and risks that LSPs encounter during the COVID-19 pandemic and investigate their prominence. Second, we unveil intertwined schemes of afore-identified uncertainties and risks and augment the understanding of their cause-effect structure. Third, we provide an uncertainty and risk assessment guideline for LSPs affected by threats emerging from unforeseeable crises.

In this study, we combine qualitative work and the fuzzy DEMATEL method. Qualitative thematic analysis of in-depth interviews reveals the most important uncertainties (COVID-19 measures, employee welfare, forecast horizon, demand change, and government regulations) and risks (COVID-19 risk, delivery delays, supply chain disruptions, financial failure, and product returns) for LSPs. The fuzzy DEMATEL method shows that COVID-19 measures and COVID-19 risk are highly prominent and influence other factors. The results indicate that demand change, government regulations, and supply chain disruptions are net causers, and employee welfare, financial failure, forecast horizon, delivery delays, and product returns are net receivers. Distinctly, employee welfare is the most affected factor, empirically confirming that major risks for LSPs are related to the human factor. More investigation in our results suggests that supply chain disruptions and demand change, two factors triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, influence financial failure and forecast horizon, two factors associated with operational performance. 

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Elsevier, 2022
COVID-19 pandemic, Fuzzy DEMATEL, In-depth interviews, Logistics service providers, Risk, Uncertainty, Forecasting, Laws and legislation, Personnel, Risk assessment, Supply chains, Uncertainty analysis, Demand changes, DEMATEL, Financial failure, Logistics service provider, Supply-chain disruptions, Uncertainty and risks, Finance
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-62520 (URN)10.1016/j.cie.2022.107950 (DOI)000747001400005 ()35043031 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85123028479 (Scopus ID)
Tillgänglig från: 2023-09-22 Skapad: 2023-09-22 Senast uppdaterad: 2023-09-22Bibliografiskt granskad
Akkan, M. M. & Cura, F. (2022). Turizmde Uluslararası Taşımacılık: Havayolu İşletmelerinde Markalaşma [International transportation in tourism industry: branding in airline enterprises]. In: Mete Sezgin & Abdullah Koseoglu (Ed.), Turi̇zm sektöründe marka ve marka imaji [Branding in tourism sector: analysis, problems, and solutions]: (pp. 231-249). Konya: Eğitim Yayinevi
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Turizmde Uluslararası Taşımacılık: Havayolu İşletmelerinde Markalaşma [International transportation in tourism industry: branding in airline enterprises]
2022 (Turkiska)Ingår i: Turi̇zm sektöründe marka ve marka imaji [Branding in tourism sector: analysis, problems, and solutions] / [ed] Mete Sezgin & Abdullah Koseoglu, Konya: Eğitim Yayinevi , 2022, s. 231-249Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
Abstract [tr]

Turizm, insanların ikamet ettikleri yerlerden turistik yer lere hareketini içerdiğinden, her turist ilgi çekici yerlere ulaşmak için seyahat etmek zorundadır. Bu nedenle ulaşım, turizm endüstrisinin en önemli bileşenler inden biridir. Son on yılda ise etkinlik turizmi, küresel olarak turizm stratejilerinin ve boş zaman davranışın ın önemli bir aktörü olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Taşımacılığın önemi, yalnızca ulusal sosyo-ekonomik kompleks in gelişiminde sahip oldukları işlevde değil, aynı zamanda devletler arasındaki ilişkilerin güçlendirilmesin de üstlendikleri önemli rolde de yatmaktadır.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Konya: Eğitim Yayinevi, 2022
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-63946 (URN)978-625-8341-69-0 (ISBN)
Tillgänglig från: 2024-04-05 Skapad: 2024-04-05 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-04-05Bibliografiskt granskad
Meşin, K. & Cura, F. (2022). Türki̇ye diş ti̇careti̇ni̇n loji̇sti̇k performans çerçevesi̇nde değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇ [Evaluation of Turkey's foreign trade in the framework of logistics performance]. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 22(2), 139-149
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Türki̇ye diş ti̇careti̇ni̇n loji̇sti̇k performans çerçevesi̇nde değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇ [Evaluation of Turkey's foreign trade in the framework of logistics performance]
2022 (Turkiska)Ingår i: Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, ISSN 2148-3043, Vol. 22, nr 2, s. 139-149Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [tr]

Amaç – Uluslararası ticaret ortamında Türkiye’nin lojistik performansını, dış ticaret verilerini nasıl etkilediği aynı zamanda ihracat ve ithalat rakamlarının yıllar bazlı değişimini ortaya koymaktadır.

Yöntem – Çalışmada kullanılan yöntem ihracat, ithalat verileri ile 160 ülkenin lojistik performans endeksinin rakamları üstüne tanımlayıcı testler yapılmış, daha sonra korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri yapılarak aralarındaki ilişki incelenmiştir.

Bulgular – Çalışmanın amacı doğrultusunda yapılan analizler neticesinde ihracat ve ithalat performansı ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeyine doğrudan etkisi olduğu ve bunun sonucunda lojistik performans ve alt bileşenlerinin üzerinde doğru orantılı bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Sonuç – Çalışmanın sonucunda ülkelerin gelişim performansı ile lojistik performansları arasında pozitif yönlü bir paralellik tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca lojistik performans gelişiminde dış ticaret hacminin etkilediği anlaşılmaktadır.

Abstract [en]

Purpose – How it affects Turkey's logistics performance and foreign trade data in the international trade environment also reveals the changes in export and import figures over the years.

Methodology – The method used in the study was carried out descriptive tests on export and import data and the figures of the logistics performance index of 160 countries, then correlation and regression analyzes were made and the relationship between them was examined.

Findings – As a result of the analyzes made in line with the purpose of the study, it has been determined that the export and import performance has a direct effect on the development level of the countries, and as a result, there is a directly proportional relationship on the logistics performance and its sub-components.

Conclusions – As a result of the study, a positive parallelism was determined between the development performance of the countries and their logistics performance. In addition, it is understood that foreign trade volume affects the development of logistics performance.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022
International Trade, Export Performance, Import Performance, Logistics Performance, Uluslararası Ticaret, İharacat Perofrmansı, İthalat Performansı, Lojistik Performansı
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-63794 (URN)10.30976/susead.1148908 (DOI)
Tillgänglig från: 2024-03-11 Skapad: 2024-03-11 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-04-05Bibliografiskt granskad
Balta, D. & Cura, F. (2022). Uluslararasi ti̇carette loji̇sti̇k performansin ihracat performansina ve fi̇rma performansina etki̇si̇: Konya ili̇nde bi̇r uygulama [The Effect Of Logistics Performance On Export Performance And Company Performance In International Trade: An Application In Konya Province]. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 22(1), 17-29
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Uluslararasi ti̇carette loji̇sti̇k performansin ihracat performansina ve fi̇rma performansina etki̇si̇: Konya ili̇nde bi̇r uygulama [The Effect Of Logistics Performance On Export Performance And Company Performance In International Trade: An Application In Konya Province]
2022 (Turkiska)Ingår i: Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, ISSN 2148-3043, Vol. 22, nr 1, s. 17-29Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
Abstract [tr]

Amaç – Konya ilinde faaliyet gösteren ihracatçı firmaların lojistik performansları, ihracat performansları ve firma performansları arasındaki ilişkinin analizini yapmak ve söz konusu firmaların lojistik performanslarının, firma performans uygulamalarına ve ihracat performanslarına etkilerini ortaya koymaktır.

Yöntem – Çalışmada kullanılan veriler anket yöntemi ile çevrimiçi olarak elde edilmiş ve SPSS programı yardımıyla analiz ve değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur.

Bulgular – Çalışmanın amacı doğrultusunda yapılan analizler neticesinde lojistik performansın firma performansı ve ihracat performansı üzerinde pozitif yönlü ve anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu; buna paralel olarak firma performansının da ihracat performansı üzerindeki etkisinin pozitif yönlü ve anlamlı olduğu tespit edilmiştir.

Sonuç – Firmaların lojistik performansı, ihracat performansı ve ekonomik büyümesi arasında doğru orantılı bir ilişkinin varlığı, diğer bir deyişle firmaların ihracat performansının ve lojistik performansının firma performansını etkilediği anlaşılmıştır.

Abstract [en]

Purpose – To evaluate the link between the logistics performance, export performance and company performance of exporting companies operating in Konya and to explain the influence of the logistics performances of these companies on company performance practices and export performances.

Methodology – The data used in the study were obtained online with the survey method and analyzed and evaluated with the help of the SPSS program.

Findings – As a consequence of the evaluations made in line with the direction of the research, it was established that logistics performance has a positive and significant effect on firm performance and export performance; In company with this, it has been determined that firm performance has a decisive and meaningful effect on export performance.

Conclusions – It has been cleared that there is a directly proportional relationship between the logistics performance, export performance and economic growth of the companies, in other words, the export performance and logistics performance of the companies affect the company performance.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022
Logistics performance, Export performance, Firm performance, International trade, Lojistik performans, İhracat performansı, Firma performansı, Uluslararası ticaret
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-63793 (URN)10.30976/susead.1087150 (DOI)
Tillgänglig från: 2024-03-11 Skapad: 2024-03-11 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-03-11Bibliografiskt granskad
Cura, F. (2022). Uluslararası Ticarette İhracat ve İthalat Kavramları ve Süreçleri [Export/import concepts and processes in international trade]. In: Gökhan Akandere & Fatih Cura (Ed.), Uluslararası Ticaret ve Lojistik 4.0: Güncel Trend ve Uygulamalar [International trade and logistics 4.0: current trends and applications]: (pp. 7-24). Konya: Eğitim Yayinevi
Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Uluslararası Ticarette İhracat ve İthalat Kavramları ve Süreçleri [Export/import concepts and processes in international trade]
2022 (Turkiska)Ingår i: Uluslararası Ticaret ve Lojistik 4.0: Güncel Trend ve Uygulamalar [International trade and logistics 4.0: current trends and applications] / [ed] Gökhan Akandere & Fatih Cura, Konya: Eğitim Yayinevi , 2022, s. 7-24Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Konya: Eğitim Yayinevi, 2022
Nationell ämneskategori
urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-63945 (URN)9786258223446 (ISBN)
Tillgänglig från: 2024-04-05 Skapad: 2024-04-05 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-04-05Bibliografiskt granskad
ORCID-id: ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0001-8025-3961

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